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Survivor comedy


Simon Lindberg shares some of his favourite “holocaust” stories. Excerpt from Leadership Perspective #13: Why deny the holocaust? Adaptation and dangerousness

Genuine Norse beliefs and those of political larpers

IDEOLOGY. The Icelander Ríkharður Magnússon discusses our Old Norse beliefs and the ways in which they have been distorted in the modern era.

A Thor's hammer necklace

I won’t delve deeply into the Old Norse beliefs in this article; rather the purpose here is to confront and clear up some of the distortions and false information used to slander these beliefs both in Iceland and abroad. The aim of slandering the Norse religion is to undermine the common history and culture of our Nordic peoples by mixing it with elements of Cultural Marxist brainwashing.

Much has been written about the Norse gods, and there is plenty of material to be found on the subject. Many things are well known about the customs of the Nordic and Germanic tribes, but there are still some things that are unclear. Most people probably know that the Nordic peoples believed in the Æsir during the Viking Age. What is perhaps less known is that their kinsfolk from the other Germanic tribes believed in the very same gods for centuries (perhaps even millennia). They referred to Odin as Wotan, and Thor as Donnar.

Drawing of Odin on his throne

The Germanic tribes were forcibly Christianized by means of deceit and violence after the fall of the Roman Empire. It could also be said that the shift in religion was partly responsible for the fall of Rome. People in the Nordic lands were Christianized much later. Thorgeir Ljosvetningargodi (a high priest from the lake Ljósavatn) decided that Iceland would become a Christian nation in the year 1000, but people secretly continued to worship the old gods. Olaf Tryggvason became the Christian ruler of Norway in 995, and Harald Bluetooth of Denmark was baptized in 965. The Swedes were officially Christianized after Olof Skötkonung was baptized in 1008, although Christianity still didn’t make a full breakthrough until sometime in the 1200s.

For a long time after the Christianization, and to some extent even until today, the peoples of the Nordic countries maintained their traditions originating from the Old Norse beliefs, like Christmas (Yuletide) and several other holidays. Our beliefs and traditions have been preserved thanks to the Edda by Snorri Sturluson, the Havamal and many other books and poems. The book Germania, dealing with the Germanic tribes, by the Roman historian Tacitus, is also worth mentioning.

Christianity played a large part in destroying our old beliefs by distorting them and banning aspects of them in order to force heathen men into submission. One of many examples of this is the claim that Christian monks from Ireland had settled the island of Papey (southeast of Iceland) before the heathens settled Iceland. This is very unlikely, since archeologists have found no remains from this time period.

The distortions of our Old Norse beliefs continue to this day, but nowadays mostly by means of Cultural Marxism, wherein the obvious purpose is to undermine the history and culture of the Nordic and Germanic peoples. Prominent members of the Icelandic Asatru assembly are highly culpable in this regard, by making amateurish statements, interpretations and fanciful metaphors in relation to our Old Norse faith. Things have gotten worse in recent years after a wave of “brothers in faith” arose in the wake of the TV show Vikings. Now a lot of people think they can lay claim to our Old Norse beliefs after spitting in a cup from “23andme” and seeing traces of Nordic DNA. The term “brothers in faith” refers to people falling into each other’s arms and calling one another “brothers” and “sisters” because of their newfound religious beliefs; but in reality they have no, or very vague, ancestral ties to the Old Norse religion.

Now Marxist “equality” has been added to the mix, and many Lagerthas (the name of Ragnar Lodbrok’s wife) have popped up with completely incorrect information on heathen women from this time period. It is indeed true that Nordic women were freer than they later were under Christianity, and it’s also true that men listened to advice from older women; but they were not warriors with the same degree of “freedom” as their men. The women were protected for the sake of the children and the future of the folk.

Weak men larping as Vikings assert that “Nazis” have no right to lay claim to Old Norse beliefs, and therefore whine when Nationalists and National Socialists use runes and other symbols derived from our Norse heritage. Recently, a Norwegian band lamented in the press about how the Valknut (used as the band’s logo) was tattooed on the chest of one of the people storming Capitol Hill in the USA. The band members were upset and claimed that “Nazis” should not be allowed to steal Old Norse symbols. However, the fact is that runes and other symbols do not constitute private property, and, if anything, people fighting for their folk and knowing their own history are the ones who actually have a justified reason to use them.

Valknut symbol

Odin is and always will be the Allfather. Men feared Odin in times past. He sits on his high throne in Valhalla with his spear, Gungnir; his ravens, Huginn and Muninn; and his two wolves, Geri and Freki, by his side. He is constantly preparing for Ragnarök – the end of the world – which, given present-day conditions, can be viewed as a more relevant prophecy than ever. Not even Odin is left in peace by the Cultural Marxists, who attempt to tie him to their own ideology. However, it should be remembered that Odin is over a thousand years old – a good deal older than Cultural Marxism and its concepts.

Thor is probably the most popular god today. He is the protector of men, Asgard and Midgard. Many people are familiar with this great hero, his hammer Mjölnir and his chariot drawn by two goats. When he travels around hunting giants (Jotun), the mountains shake from the thunder created by the strikes of his hammer. Many landmarks and personal names in Iceland are named in his honour. The people praised Thor long after the arrival of Christianity in Nordic lands.

Cultural Marxists are now attempting to claim that Thor is a transsexual, and that this perversion is therefore supported in Old Norse beliefs. They make this debased claim based on the story of Thor using animal hides to disguise himself, as well as the saga of him disguising himself as Freyja in order to fool the giant Trym and take back his hammer. Some even claim that Thor is racially mixed, saying he is half giant and half god; but according to all available documentation, he is the son of Odin and the Earth, and according to the Edda, the Earth is an Asynja (a female deity). This perfectly demonstrates how the anti-White Cultural Marxists and self-appointed moral apostles of political correctness try to undermine our culture by means of false information.

Loki, however, is the son of the goddess Nal (also known as Laufey) and the giant Farbauti, giving him racially mixed ancestry. According to Norse beliefs, Loki symbolizes falsehood, betrayal and deception. If any god should be worshipped by the Cultural Marxists, it should therefore be he.

Asatru gathering with a black "pagan"

Even though the Icelandic Asatru assembly claims to be non-political and not to participate in any form of political activity, many of their “priests” appear to be left-wing and politically correct. They preach the Norse religion based on their own perspectives, asserting that the faith should be inclusive of everyone – of gay marriage, transsexuality, race-mixing and multiculturalism. It must therefore be Loki that they worship, if they even worship any of the Norse gods at all, because the idea that any of this is in line with the Old Norse belief system is total nonsense.

It is made crystal clear in all available documentation that the Æsir live in Asgard, and the giants in Jotunheim. Nowhere does it state anything about Asgard opening up its borders to giants, black elves and others. In such a case, Thor and Heimdallr would have had to forgo their purpose as protectors of Asgard, and Odin’s training of the Einherjar before Ragnarök would have been a complete waste of time.

This kind of infantile left-wing rhetoric should of course be condemned by the Icelandic Asatru assembly, if it were a serious religious assembly. Instead, members display their political agenda in words and practice and completely distort Norse paganism based on their own fancy.

Norse beliefs are grounded in nature. Many aspects of this legacy have been lost due to Christianity’s custodianship, but there are still enough pieces of the puzzle left to be able to see the general picture, wherein the Norse gods clearly symbolize the Nordic peoples from that time. It’s not hateful to say that the Norse gods are a legacy that belongs to the Nordic people.

Viking ship Nordic Resistance Movement graphic
“To battle!”

The counterpoint of this is the attempt by the internationalists to undermine every aspect of our folk’s national heritage. Not just in Iceland, the Nordic countries or in Europe, but all over the world where this greedy octopus seeks an opportunity to subdue every nation and force them to fall in line.

The Nordic Resistance Movement supports freedom of religion to the extent that it does not harm or undermine our people. In this article I am therefore not trying to preach the Norse religion, but rather demonstrate the fact that the Norse beliefs constitute a part of our shared culture and history in the Nordic countries. Having knowledge of our history gives us a deeper understanding of the origins of our people, of who we are today, and where we are heading in the future. That is why we must never let our heritage disappear.

Continued leafleting in Vetlanda

ACTIVISM. On Saturday, 20 March, Sweden’s Nest 7 returned to central Vetlanda to distribute leaflets after the terror attack that took place in the town two weeks previously.

NRM leafleting in Vetlanda, Sweden

About five minutes into the activity, a police car showed up with two confused policewomen who attempted to talk with the activists. Apparently they had mistaken the Nordic Resistance Movement for another group of dissidents who were also conducting activism in Vetlanda on the same day and subsequently walked off to search for them.

Many Vetlanda residents gladly received the leaflets, with some staying to talk with the resistance fighters; however, rabid political opponents also stopped to argue. An especially crazed cat lady tried to grab one of the resistance fighter’s cameras, but was reproved.

After the Resistance Movement re-established order on the square, the activity could continue without further disturbances. Many interesting discussions arose, including one with the aforementioned dissidents, who praised the resistance fighters when they came by to talk.

A short while before the activity concluded, the policewomen returned, now even more confused, but walked past the resistance fighters and went directly into the mall. Presumably they took the opportunity to do some shopping while waiting for reinforcements from real policemen.

The leafleting at the square subsequently came to an end, and the resistance fighters continued the day’s activism with door-to-door leafleting in a residential area in Vetlanda. When the men had completed the activity and were on their way to reconvene, the police showed up and arrested one of resistance fighters – because apparently it’s an offence to defend yourself against someone trying to take your camera.

The rest of the comrades regrouped at the gathering before dividing up to find their arrested comrade, who was released the next day.

Related: Action against multicultural terrorism in Vetlanda

Poster action against experimental Covid-19 vaccines

ACTIVISM. The Norwegian branch of the Nordic Resistance Movement recently held a poster action against the experimental coronavirus vaccines.

NRM Covid-19 vaccine awareness activism, Norway

Members and activists from the Nordic Resistance Movement held a poster action focusing on the authorities’ experimental coronavirus vaccines last week.

A large number of posters were put up in several towns in Eastern and Western Norway. The posters featured the message “The Covid-19 vaccine is not properly tested – But the system wants you vaccinated anyway!” No problems occurred.

The reason behind The Great Shuttening


Andreas talks about the main reason behind the censorship of nationalists and National Socialists. Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #187: Nam and the Mannerbund.

Activism in Bergen

ACTIVISM. The Norwegian branch of the Nordic Resistance Movement presents a video summary of recent activity in Bergen.

Nordic Resistance Movement sticker in Bergen, NorwayThe Nordic Resistance Movement’s media group has produced a new video exhibiting photos and film clips from diverse actions by Activist Group 302 in Bergen in February and March.

Watch it here.

Nationwide action against anti-White UN day

ACTIVISM. Activists from the Nordic Resistance Movement conducted a widespread propaganda offensive in Denmark against the globalist lackeys’ celebration of the UN’s “International Day against Racism” last weekend.

Anti-UN "Day against racism" activism in Denmark

Every year, the globalist anti-White United Nations celebrates the International Day against Racism on 21 March. In doing so they act as one of the major players in the fight against White people and our rights to express ourselves critically against mass immigration, criminality and its violent consequences, as well as against our engagement in the resistance against the invasion and the struggle for our people.

In Denmark, several minor organisations and anti-White associations celebrate the attack on Whites, Whites’ freedom of expression, and Whites’ downfall by demonstrating in a number of Danish cities on this day. The anti-White globalist lackeys demonstrate against “discrimination against immigrants”, “intolerance” and “hate speech against minorities and immigrants”, and thereby seek to impede Whites from addressing the steadily increasing racially foreign presence in White countries, including Denmark.

“Discrimination” against immigrants is a natural necessity if you care about the future of your own people. Immigration is not a human right!

“Intolerance” is the natural reaction to decades of mass immigration, which has led to extremely serious criminality, including murder, violence, humiliation crime and rape culture, as well as putting huge pressure on the economy and threatening to make ethnic Danes a minority in just a few generations. Any healthy person would be intolerant of a group of foreigners who threaten his loved ones.

“Hate speech against minorities and immigrants” are just truths about minorities and immigrants that the politically correct and anti-White section of society does not like to hear. Denmark was created by White men and women who have bled, sweat, lived and died to build and defend this territory – and Denmark must continue to be a White territory! Critical, even hateful, expressions against a hostile occupying power are signs of a person’s community spirit and his natural common sense.

Thousands of people’s opposition to the racial invasion does not just disappear by banning their freedom of expression!

Related: Denmark is drowning in mass immigration and multiculturalism – Symbolic action in Aarhus

The Nordic Resistance Movement is the combat battalion of free White people, and the only political organisation in Denmark that fights mass immigration from a natural worldview.

Therefore, the Resistance Movement’s activists from all over the country were in action in the days leading up to the globalist lackeys’ demonstrations in Aarhus, Odense and Copenhagen. In all three locations, posters were put up, and banners were hung by the cities’ access roads and in other selected places, including the UN building in Copenhagen.

White race-conscious National Socialists hear the globalist lackeys’ desire for diversity, and remind everyone that a racially mixed population is anything but diverse.

Free White National Socialists hear the globalist lackeys’ demands for political correctness and uniformity, and reply that racial equality is a falsehood.

Proud White National Socialists hear the globalist lackeys’ anti-White slogans and urge every Aryan to love his own people.

See a selection of photos from the actions below:


Love Your Own People banner in Copenhagen
“Love Your Own People”

Love Your Own People banner in Copenhagen

"Fight Anti-White propaganda" NRM poster, Copenhagen
“Fight anti-White propaganda – Love Your People”

"Fight Anti-White propaganda" NRM poster, Copenhagen


NRM banner, Aarhus, Denmark
“Stop anti-White racism”
NRM banner, Aarhus, Denmark
“Love Your People”
NRM poster, Aarhus, Denmark
“Mass immigration = Genocide”
NRM posters, Aarhus, Denmark
“Stand up for diversity – Fight the dilution of the White race!”

NRM banner, Aarhus, DenmarkNRM poster, Aarhus, DenmarkNRM posters, Aarhus, DenmarkNRM posters, Aarhus, DenmarkNRM posters, Aarhus, Denmark


NRM posters in Odense, Denmark NRM posters in Odense, Denmark NRM posters in Odense, Denmark NRM posters in Odense, Denmark NRM posters in Odense, Denmark NRM posters in Odense, Denmark NRM posters in Odense, Denmark

NORDIC FRONTIER #187: Nam and the Mannerbund


NORDIC FRONTIER. This week we invite Nam from the US based organization “The Mannerbund”.





Ríkharður Leó Magnússon on Hold Fanen Høyt!

Wilderness camping in Sweden’s Nest 4

Monthly meeting and martial arts in Värmland

Public leafleting and speech in Nyköping


Astrid Lindgren – Ronia the Robber’s daughter

Covidshit demonstration in Stockholm

We’ll invite Nam from “The Mannerbund” to talk about his journey and his organization.

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Live at:

7.00 PM in Iceland
8.00 PM in Denmark, Norway and Sweden
9.00 PM in Finland
2.00 PM Eastern Time (ET) on that side of the pond

How Ríkharður Leó Magnússon got red pilled


The Nordic Resistance Movement’s Norwegian podcast Hold Fanen Høyt! (Hold the Flag High!) recently interviewed the Icelandic Chief Ríkharður Leó Magnússon. Here he talks about his red pill journey.

Excerpt from Hold Fanen Høyt! #35 – Intervju med Ríkharður Leó Magnússon fra Island

Ríkharður Leó Magnússon on Hold Fanen Høyt!


RADIO. The Chief of the Icelandic branch of the Nordic Resistance Movement recently appeared on the organisation’s Norwegian podcast Hold Fanen Høyt! (Hold the Flag High!) to talk about the Resistance Movement in Iceland.

The Icelandic Chief Ríkharður Leó Magnússon appeared on the 35th episode of the Hold Fanen Høyt! podcast for an English-language interview on Saturday. Topics covered in the interview included Ríkharður’s upbringing and backstory, some Icelandic history, the Resistance Movement’s activities in Iceland and more.

Hold Fanen Høyt! is hosted by Tom HaugeRonny Bårdsen, and Tommy Olsen, the Chief of the Norwegian branch of the Nordic Resistance Movement.

Listen to the episode below (English interview begins at 1 minute 10 seconds):

Related links:


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Hard times create strong activists

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