Home Resistance News Monthly meeting with debate technique training in Nest 8

Monthly meeting with debate technique training in Nest 8


MEETING. Members and activists in Nest 8 gather for their monthly meeting, with a debate training exercise and martial arts practice.

On Sunday 30 August, Nest 8 held their monthly meeting in the nest’s northern region. It was a clear and pleasantly temperate late-summer day with signs that autumn is on the way. Unexpected events at the last moment resulted in a few changes to the day’s schedule, including the planned speaker not being able to attend, so the decision was made to hold an exercise in debate techniques in place of the lecture.

After the traditional welcome fika, during which new and old members had the chance to get to know one another, the agenda began with the monthly meeting.

Highlights of the past month’s activism were reviewed and included a public activity with a rally, speech and leaflet distribution in Norrköping. The theme of the activity was “Protect the Children”. The speech highlighted how a number of children in the city have been victims of sexual assaults by paedophiles, and a banner with the message “The death penalty for convicted paedophiles” was displayed. The activists reported engaging in many interesting conversations and giving out a lot of leaflets.

Rally in Norrköping.

Another noteworthy activity during August was the popular canoeing trip across Lake Hunn in Östergötland.

The Tyr rune flag waves proudly at the canoeists’ camp.

After a rundown of the plans for the coming month, the Resistance men and women were made aware that the holidays and summer calm would now be replaced by daily work, with an intensified programme consisting of basic activism, training, the Nordic Days event, study circles and public activities. Interested readers will be able to stay up to date with developments via the nest’s activism reports.

The new members were then officially welcomed and received their proof of membership.

After the subsequent meal, the next item on the agenda was debate technique training. Four groups were given a subject to argue both for and against. They had half an hour to practise their arguments, as well as to appoint a debater for a showdown against a cunning and well-read opponent, who would be played by the nest chief.

Wild boar casserole was on the menu.

The subjects assigned were points from the Nordic Resistance Movement’s programme Our Path:

* In the free Nordic Nation, all citizens will have the right to bear arms.

* The free Nordic Nation will have its own independent central bank.

* In the free Nordic Nation, freedom of religion will prevail.

* The free Nordic Nation will be self-sufficient in food production.

Within the groups and ensuing debate, heated and interesting discussions arose that continued after the exercise itself had concluded. Several participants said the exercise was informative – and a lot of fun.

A debate contest.

The last point remaining on the agenda for the day was either martial arts training outdoors (obligatory for the activists) or tidying the venue indoors. (The members had free choice between the two activities.) Witnesses reported intensive combat with bloodshed outdoors, as well as diligent and effective cleaning indoors.

Activist with backpack.