Home Resistance News Activism A look back on 2021: The Nordic Resistance Movement in Norway

A look back on 2021: The Nordic Resistance Movement in Norway


RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. Tommy Olsen, Chief of the Norwegian branch of the Nordic Resistance Movement, summarises 2021.

Nordic Resistance Movement flag

Just like every other year that the Nordic Resistance Movement has been active in Norway, our Norwegian members regularly contributed to the struggle in 2021, conducting activism every week, all year round. Consequently, the Nordic Resistance Movement has remained the most active National Socialist movement in the Nordic countries, and likely in the whole world.

In this summary, I want to highlight some examples of what our members have achieved via various forms of activism and event participation in 2021. As a large amount of activism has been conducted, I apologise in advance if I have forgotten to include some activities that deserve a place in this review.

Nordic Days 2021 Fredrik Vejdeland
Fredrik Vejdeland speaks at Nordic Days 2021

The annual Nordic Days event was held in Västmanland, Sweden, by Sweden’s Nest 8. Nordic Days is a family-friendly event that is open to all members and supporters, both young and old. As has been the case in previous years, there was also a Norwegian presence in 2021, despite Covid restrictions. The Norwegians competed in the pentathlon, which included disciplines such as team wrestling, rugby, hammer throwing, knife fighting and fiercely fought boxing matches.

Nordic Days 2021 boxing
A boxing match at Nordic Days

In addition to a number of speeches, good food and socialising, various children’s activities were also arranged this year, something that the many children in attendance were very happy about.

In recent years, a popular market has also been arranged at Nordic Days. On sale this year were books, music, decorations, clothing, jewellery, NS antiques, honey, toys and hairdressing services. The Resistance Movement is now well on the way to creating a culture of self-production and internal trade.

The market at Nordic Days 2021
The market at Nordic Days 2021

Read more: Nordic Days 2021

Organisation Days is another annual event; however, unlike Nordic Days, it is only open to members. In 2021, Organisation Days was held in Småland, Sweden, by Sweden’s Nest 7. The slogan for this year was “Victory in the election!”

Simon Lindberg speaks at the Nordic Resistance Movement's Organisation Days 2021
Simon Lindberg explains the slogan “Victory in the election!”

The Resistance Movement’s leader Simon Lindberg explained what he meant by the slogan “Victory in the election!” in his speech. He said that regardless of how many votes the organisation gets, or whether or not we stand for election at all, the organisation will be seen and heard, spread its ideas and recruit new members – and therefore be victorious in the election campaign.

The last speech of the day was by Sebastian Elofsson. The speech was very powerful and was well received by the other members. Elofsson explained his view on loyalty and duty, the honour in continuing the struggle despite being at a serious disadvantage, and the pride in never giving up. He also gave an extensive explanation of the differences between National Socialism and liberal democracy, as well as how National Socialism both differs from and surpasses Marxism in all respects.

Sebastian Elofsson speaks at the Nordic Resistance Movement's Organisation Days 2021
Sebastian Elofsson

In addition to other speeches – plus news and information from the national leadership – various workshops were arranged, at which participants could receive special training in subjects such as photo editing, news reporting, accounting, abseiling and more. A boxing tournament and exercises were also organised during the weekend, as well as an awards ceremony, at which distinctions were handed out to worthy members.

Read more: Organisation Days 2021

The Nordic Resistance Movement held a pan-Nordic action on 1 May 2021 in honour of the Nordic worker. Under the slogan “White workers built this country – White workers can take this country back!”, activism was carried out in a number of towns and cities in the Nordic countries. Approximately 30 locations in almost 20 different towns were visited with trailers and trucks displaying banners and playing a pre-recorded speech from the organisation’s leader Simon Lindberg.

A large number of 1 May posters and banners were put up in a series of towns in the Nordic countries, urging Nordic workers to take back their fatherland from the globalists and racial foreigners who are destroying White nations.

NRM 1 May activism 2021
“White workers built this country. White workers can take this country back!”

Read more: 1st of May activism across the Nordic nations

In response to a culture of ongoing anti-Whiteness – which escalated to new heights thanks to “Black Lives Matter” and the Jewish media in 2020 after the death of the African criminal George Floyd – the Nordic Resistance Movement carried out a number of White Lives Matter actions in 2021.

On 9 August, Indigenous Peoples’ Day, the Resistance Movement conducted a pan-Nordic action on the initiative of the British nationalist organisation Patriotic Alternative, which called on all Whites the world over to become active for “White Lives Matter Day”.

Norwegian members conduct White Lives Matter activism on Indigenous Peoples’ Day
Norwegian members conduct White Lives Matter activism on Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Read more: Indigenous People’s Day activism across the Nordic nations

Tommie Lindh White Lives Matter poster
White Lives Matter activism in memory of the patriot Tommie Lindh, who was killed by an African when he attempted to protect his female friend from being raped

Posters featuring the words “White Lives Matter” also received media attention in Norway, after some racial foreigners and leftists were triggered by the message (even though they were in full support of Black Lives Matter). Randi Eek Thorsen, an AP (Labour Party) politician and council chairman in Gran Municipality, said it “turned her stomach” when she read the message, using words like “extremism” and, in usual AP style, drawing comparisons with Anders Breivik.

White Lives Matter poster in Sarpsborg, Norway

In September 2021, there were political elections in Norway. Instead of voting for traitors who sell out our fatherland, glorify racial foreigners and treat Norwegians like second-class citizens, the Nordic Resistance Movement chose to conduct an imaginative “speech bubble” campaign that demonstrated what politicians really think.

Norway NRM speech bubble poster action
“Immigrants before Norwegians”, “No to freedom of speech”

Read more: Election activism: “What politicians really think”

A number of actions against traitors were held during 2021, including leaflet and barricade actions, at which anti-Norwegian institutions were symbolically cordoned off with Resistance Movement barricade tape and explanatory posters.

NRM Bergen activism Red party barricade
The communist Red Party premises were cordoned off and affixed with a poster with a quote from Point 9 of the Resistance Movement’s political programme

Read more: Day of Action in Bergen: Propaganda distribution and barricades

In 2021, the Nordic Resistance Movement arranged a number of gatherings in Norway, in which both members and supporters participated. The Resistance Movement visited Setesdal for a couple of days, renting several cabins for the trip. Activities and excursions were arranged for both adults and children, followed by relaxation, good food and socialising at the end of the day.

View over Setesdal, Norway
The Resistance Movement in Setesdal
Tyr rune cake
A marzipan cake adorned with the Resistance Movement logo

Read more: The Resistance Movement visits Setesdal

In Hamar, Nest 1 arranged a gathering for members, where they could enjoy themselves at a cabin, go skiing and conduct a little activism. On the busy E6 road, members held a banner action with the message “For a free and united Nordic Nation!” Green smoke grenades were used to draw the attention of passing drivers, many of whom beeped their horns and waved in agreement.

Nordic Resistance Movement banner action in Hamar, Norway
“For a free and united Nordic Nation!”

Read more: For a free and united Nordic Nation! Banner action in Hamar

Excursions in the countryside have always been popular with healthy National Socialists, not least because it’s good to disconnect from multiculturalism and city life and recharge your batteries ahead of a new week in the struggle. As in previous years, numerous trips to the countryside were arranged in 2021. These were sometimes combined with monthly meetings, and allowed members to spend the night in nature, go fishing and enjoy food and conversation beside the campfire.

Homo lobby flag burning
The homo lobby’s flag provides warmth in the cold
Hemsedal hiking, Norway, NRM flag
Mountain hike and monthly meeting in Hemsedal

Regarding public actions in 2021, I would like to highlight one in which members from Nest 1 in Eastern Norway conducted both a public activity and a propaganda offensive with leaflets in Sarpsborg. The activity consisted of a public action outside Borg shopping centre and nearby areas in Sarpsborg, in addition to spreading numerous leaflets in the area.

Nordic Resistance Movement leafleting in Sarpsborg
Public action and leafleting in Sarpsborg

Read more: End of year leafleting in Sarpsborg

Because the Nordic Resistance Movement is a pan-Nordic organisation, it is not uncommon to collaborate with comrades from the organisation across borders in the Nordic countries. Norwegian members like to help our Swedish comrades, for example, and vice versa. One example from 2021 occurred when Norway’s Nest 1 joined Sweden’s Nest 2 in October to conduct public activism near the border, at Nordby Shopping Centre and Svinesund. There, they set up with the Resistance Movement’s flags and banners and gave out leaflets to both Norwegians and Swedes out on shopping trips.

Nordic Resistance Movement activity at the Norway-Sweden border
Public action at the Swedish border

Read more: Dual public activities near the Sweden-Norway border

There were also a number of propaganda offensives in Norway; these are actions that surpass normal basic activism when it comes to the amount of material distributed and the size of the area covered. I would like to highlight some examples here.

In March, members from Nest 3 gathered in Bergen city centre and plastered the city with Resistance Movement propaganda.

Bergen NRM activism
Propaganda action in central Bergen

Read more: Large-scale activism in Bergen

In February 2021, members from Nest 1 carried out several poster offensives in Oslo and Moss, where a minor confrontation with a hysterical woman also occurred. A good number of posters of various designs were used to decorate the cities with the Resistance Movement’s message.

NRM posters in Oslo and Moss
“To victory through struggle!”

Read more: Double poster actions in Oslo and Moss

A series of actions informing the people about the homo lobby’s connections to paedophilia, as well as its wider agenda, were also conducted in 2021. The Nordic Resistance Movement was the first organisation in Norway to truly see through the homo lobby and take up the fight against this Cultural Marxist and paedophilic movement, at a time when many others, including nationalists, were fooled by it. Even though it proved to be quite tumultuous to oppose a movement that many people believe stands for love, the Resistance Movement tackled the homo lobby head-on and conducted intensive education to awaken the people. Today we see that this work has borne fruit, as more and more people now understand the homo lobby’s real agenda.

NRM leaflet about the homo lobby
Leaflets detailing the homo lobby’s connections to paedophilia

Read more: Activism against “Rainbow Days” in Bergen

The Norwegian National Socialist podcast Hold Fanen Høyt!, which I participate in, broadcasted an episode on the homo lobby, which explained in more detail why we in the Nordic Resistance Movement have taken up the struggle against it. The episode (which is in Norwegian) can be heard below:

A spectacular action I would like to highlight in this summary, and which also earned a good deal of attention in 2021, was a symbolic lynching of a paedophile in Bergen. To clarify our view on paedophiles, and to expose the homo lobby’s connections to paedophilia, a doll was constructed and hanged from a bridge near Flesland Airport. The doll was dressed in the homo lobby’s rainbow flag and bore a poster with the word “Paedophile” on it. Another detail worth mentioning is that the image of the Nordic homo lobby’s founder, Axel Axgil, was used as the doll’s face. Axel Axgil and his homosexual partner Eigil Axgil were both convicted paedophiles.

Paedophile doll lynched in Bergen, Norway

Read more: “Paedophile” hanged in Bergen

A whole week of offensives against the degenerate homo lobby were carried out in several towns in Norway in 2021 to coincide with so-called Pride festivals, where half-naked homosexuals and paedophiles march under slogans like “Love is love”. In addition to a massive public information campaign in the form of posters and leaflets, the homo lobby’s rainbow flag was also confiscated and burned.

Activism against the homo lobby in Norway
The struggle against the homo lobby

Read more: Struggle against decadence and anti-culture

Another spectacular action from 2021 worth mentioning was a confetti action conducted by members in the Galleriet shopping centre in Bergen. Confetti with the website address frihetskamp.net rained down from the upper floor and landed on all the floors below.

NRM propaganda rain in Bergen, Norway
Confetti rain

Read more: Propaganda rain in Bergen

A number of creative actions were carried out in 2021, some of which I would like to call attention to here. The one that probably received the most media coverage was a joint action against restaurants and takeaway shops. In 2016, the Norwegian Food Safety Authority started a smiley face rating system for cafes and restaurants across Norway. The purpose of the rating system is to make it simpler for customers to choose safe places to eat. A poster is placed in a prominent position on a shop, displaying either a smiley face or a sad face, depending on how high or low the standards are. The Nordic Resistance Movement followed this example and conducted an action against restaurants that fall far below Nordic standards.

Norwegian restaurant hygiene ratings from the Resistance Movement
A foreign-owned kebab shop in Kristiansand fell far below Nordic standards

Read more: Restaurant hygiene inspection – below Nordic standards!

In March 2021, a joint action took place in which signs were covered with the Resistance Movement’s various website addresses in several locations in Norway. This kind of action originated in 2020 and has a symbolic significance, conveying the message that all roads lead to the Nordic Resistance Movement! In other words, the people will ultimately realise that the only solution is the Nordic Resistance Movement, in addition to the fact that we can be found everywhere.

Frihetskamp sign

On Norwegian Constitution Day, 17 May, the Nordic Resistance Movement conducted a poster offensive in several Norwegian cities. Members plastered locations with an appropriate poster for the day, informing people that the constitution is not complete without Paragraph 2, also known as the “Jewish paragraph”. The Jewish paragraph was a continuation and tightening of restrictions regarding the access of Jews to the kingdom, compared with the time before 1814.

NRM Norwegian constitution Paragraph 2 activism on 17 May
“The constitution is not complete without Paragraph 2”

Read more: “Jewish paragraph” activism on Norway’s Constitution Day

On “holocaust day”, 27 January, the Resistance Movement carried out a pan-Nordic public information campaign in a number of towns and cities across all the Nordic countries, focusing on one of the biggest lies of our time: the “holocaust” hoax, which has almost become a religion for system worshippers and non-critical thinkers. Appropriate posters and banners were put up, while informative articles were published on the organisation’s websites.

"Holocaust is a hoax" poster in Norway
“The ‘holocaust’ is a hoax”

Read more: “Holocaust” awareness activism in Norway

True to tradition, the Nordic Resistance Movement held a memorial action in 2021 to raise awareness of the Allies’ war crimes and genocide of civilians in Dresden in 1945 – an event that lives up to the real meaning of the word holocaust, or burnt offering. The globalists’ terror bombings of civilian targets were so huge and intensive that a hurricane of fire and heat – a firestorm – arose in the centre of Dresden. On the city’s outskirts, the streets began to melt, and those who tried to flee became stuck in the asphalt and died a horribly painful death as their skin was burned to ashes on the glowing ground.

Nordic Resistance Movement Dresden awareness activism, Norway
“We must never forget the real holocaust!”

Read more: We remember democracy’s victims!

Another controversial action – perhaps the most controversial in Norway – was one conducted the night before Sunday, 24 October. Vidkun Quisling was honoured on his birthday with posters and banners with the accompanying text: “He loved his country and his people more than his life,” which is a quote from his wife, Maria Quisling. Quisling was labelled a traitor by the globalists, but for those who knew better, he fought against the anti-Norwegian forces that unfortunately won the war and have since led Norway to its downfall.

Vidkun Quisling memorial activism, Bergen, Norway, 2021
“He loved his country and his people more than his life” – Maria Quisling
Vidkun Quisling memorial banner, Bergen, Norway, 2021
Banner action in Nest 3

Read more: The Resistance Movement honour Vidkun Quisling

On the night before 20 April, the National Socialist leader Adolf Hitler was also remembered. The Nordic Resistance Movement conducted a public awareness campaign on Hitler’s birthday, during which posters were put up and informative articles were published on Frihetskamp.

Do you know what happened on 20 April 1889?
“Do you know what happened on 20 April 1889?”

A considerable amount of activism against the coronavirus “vaccine” and the authorities’ Covid policies was conducted in 2021 across large parts of Norway. This included putting up posters informing people that the corona vaccines have not been properly tested, but that the system wants you vaccinated anyway.

Covid-19 NRM poster, Norway
A large number of posters with information on the Covid “vaccines” were put up in Norway

Some more humorous leaflets that ridiculed the system’s corona policies were also distributed in 2021.

Coronavirus information leaflet

Read more: Poster action against experimental Covid-19 vaccines

In episode 18 of Leadership Perspective, the Resistance Movement’s leader, Simon Lindberg, explained the organisation’s positions on the Covid vaccines and the system’s coronavirus policies.

In December 2021, the Danish government, with the approval of the trade unions, took the decision to give employers in Denmark the right to demand workers be vaccinated or provide regular negative Covid test results in order to keep their jobs. In response, the Nordic Resistance Movement held a pan-Nordic support action for Danish workers. Activists visited Danish embassies across the Nordic countries, where they put up posters, held speeches and distributed leaflets to passers-by.

Nordic Resistance Movement activism in support of Danish workers and against Covid passports, Stockholm Danish embassy
The Resistance Movement outside the Danish embassy in Stockholm
Nordic Resistance Movement activism in support of Danish workers, Oslo, Norway
“The Danish government spits on the workers via its requirement of Covid passports for continued employment”

Read more: Activism in support of Danish workers in multiple Nordic cities

A large amount of activism to inform people of the Nordic Resistance Movement’s policies was carried out in 2021. Various leaflets were distributed in mailboxes around Norway. Frihetskamp.net now also has a landing page filled with ideological articles, which makes it easier for readers to familiarise themselves with the movement and our policies.

Nordic Resistance Movement leaflet - New politics for a new age
A leaflet with our policies

Banner actions advertising frihetskamp.net were also conducted in 2021. Here, a banner action is held from a bridge over the E39 road at Flesland Airport.

NRM banner action, Bergen, Norway

Read more: Action day in Norway’s Nest 3

Members of the Nordic Resistance Movement also advertised the Norwegian podcast Hold Fanen Høyt! in 2021 by putting up posters in several towns. The podcast has been well received by Norwegian, Swedish and Danish listeners, as well as by others who can understand Norwegian, and features news, diverse topics, interviews and more.

Activism for the Hold Fanen Høyt! podcast

At the end of the year, we took the opportunity to wish our people a Merry White Christmas, and produced banners with a hailing Santa Claus. Below is a banner action above a busy road in Western Norway.

NRM banner wishing a Happy White Christmas, Norway
“We wish you a Merry White Christmas”

Read more: Christmas activism in Norway’s Nest 3

Because our activists conduct activism every week, all year round, there was a large amount of basic activism conducted in 2021. Here, I would like to highlight two random examples of this that serve both as a fitting conclusion to this summary and as a call to those who have not yet joined the struggle for a free and united White North.

In Alver Municipality, members distributed leaflets with a call to take power back from the globalists.

“Take power back from the globalists!” NRM leaflet
“Take power back from the globalists!”

In March, Nest 2 distributed leaflets in Grim in Kristiansand with the message “The revolution begins with you!”, emphasising that the struggle for a free North also depends on you and your contribution. If our people remain passive and let the traitors and racial foreigners control the course of society unchallenged, the future will look very dark for coming White generations. With that said, I hope that all of you in the Nordic countries who have not yet stepped up and applied for membership in the Nordic Resistance Movement do just that in 2022.

“The revolution begins with you!” NRM leaflet
“The revolution begins with you!”