No Nordic Frontier this week

NORDIC FRONTIER. Sadly Nordic Frontier is cancelled this evening due to technical difficulties, but we will return next Nordic Tyrsday!
Nordic Resistance Movement Oslo demonstration

Flash demonstration honouring National Socialism in Oslo

ACTIVISM. Nordic Resistance Movement activists held a flash demonstration in the Norwegian capital on Saturday 29 October. The demonstration began with the participants marching towards...
Burning election postervideo

“We are no damn politicians!”

RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. The election is long over, but the struggle goes on. Here follows an accompanying message from the Nordic Resistance Movement’s media group. Following...
Nordic Resistance Movement banner action, Nest 5, Sweden

Day of struggle in Sweden’s Nest 5

ACTIVISM. Nest 5 activists held a “Stop the Population Replacement” banner action in an autumnal Dalarna, followed by activist tests. On 15 October, the Nest’s...


NORDIC FRONTIER. The ChiComs go bye-bye. JOIN THE LIVE CHAT ON TELEGRAM HERE: Nordic Frontier Chat WEEKLY MEMES: SHILLING: Return visit to Strängnäs Market Massive propaganda campaign in Danish...
NRM posters in Hørning, Denmark

Massive propaganda campaign in Danish town of Hørning generates welcome media attention

ACTIVISM. Danish Nordic Resistance Movement activists show that good results can be achieved with stickers, leaflets and anonymous contact with the media. Over the last...
Strängnäs Market NRM activism

Return visit to Strängnäs Market

ACTIVISM. Members of Sweden’s Nest 1 and Nest 8 conducted a public leaflet distribution on Saturday 8 October. It was a beautiful autumn day when...

LIVE 20.00 – NORDIC FRONTIER #243: Def Con 3 on the Jews

NORDIC FRONTIER. We go def con 3 on the Jews, business as usual. JOIN THE LIVE CHAT ON TELEGRAM HERE: Nordic Frontier Chat WEEKLY MEMES: SHILLING: Two...
NRM activists at court

Resistance Movement activists released ahead of court judgement

RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. On 11 October, the main proceedings against Nest 3 activists Marcus Hansson and Sebastian Elofsson were held in Helsingborg District Court. Both...
Vera Oredsson holding Nordic Resistance Movement flag

94-year-old Resistance member acquitted of hate speech charges – Interview with Vera Oredsson

RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. Honorary Nordic Resistance Movement member Vera Oredsson has been acquitted on both counts of incitement to racial hatred for comments she wrote...


Nordic Resistance Movement marchers on May Day 2018 in Ludvika, Sweden

Fight and live forever!

STRUGGLE. Fight today and you can live forever through your race – if too many of us choose not to fight, we will soon...