
Destruction of Freemason flag

ACTIVISM. Nordic Resistance Movement activists in Denmark recently burned a Freemason flag to signify that a purifying fire is coming to purge the land...

Banner activism in Aarhus

ACTIVISM. An activist group from Nest 3 in Denmark held a successful banner activity on a motorway bridge north of Aarhus on Monday, 14...

“Danish Youth – Fight for Your Future”

ACTIVISM. Danish Nordic Resistance Movement activists visited a school in the city of Randers last month for a public activity as part of their...

Nest 2 outdoors activity

ACTIVISM. Activists and members from Nest 2 recently spent a weekend at Kinnekulle mountain Västergötland, where they held classes in various outdoor skills, including...

Martin Saxlind on the Strike & Mike podcast about Tommie Lindh

TOMMIE LINDH. On the most recent episode of "Strike & Mike" the murder of Tommie Lindh was discussed and Martin Saxlind was invited to...

How the Swedish police harass political dissidents

FILM. See the incredible film in which Nordic Resistance Movement activist Fredrik Kosonen is pulled out of a car while on his way home...

Memorial for Göran Oredsson

MEMORIAL. Resistance men and women from Nest 8 and Nest 5 met in the beautiful environs of Kristberga Church near Borensberg on Saturday 27th...
Nordic Resistance Movement May Day 2021 bannervideo

1st of May 2021 video

1 MAY. The Nordic Resistance Movement presents a video of the organisation's pan-Nordic activism in support of the Nordic worker on the 1st of...

Video from Stockholm Pride

ACTIVISM. Resistance Media present a video from the activism conducted at Stockholm's homosexual festival.  Video from the recent action at Stockholm Pride, which was preceded...
Nordic Resistance Movement banner action honouring victims of multiculturalism in Luleåvideo

Flash demonstration in Luleå

ACTIVISM. Sweden’s Nest 6 held a flash demonstration in Luleå in honour of the Swedish victims of multiculturalism on Saturday, 6 February. In the week...


National Socialism and reactionary nationalism

IDEOLOGY. Klas Lund writes about the relationship between reactionary nationalists and National Socialists and why National Socialism is the only way forward. This article was...

What is fascism?