Nordic Resistance Movement activists with flares at anti-vaccine passport demonstration, Stockholmvideo

Videos and photos from demonstration against vaccine passports in Stockholm

ACTIVISM. Resistance Media presents exclusive videos and photos from Saturday's mass demonstration against Covid passports in Stockholm.   

Finns advertise with neon letters

ACTIVISM. Finnish Nordic Resistance Movement activists advertise the branch’s website in Helsinki. 
NRM anti-homo lobby action in Hobro, Denmarkvideo

Action against the homo lobby in Denmark’s Nest 3

RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. Activists from Denmark’s Nest 3 held an activism meeting followed by a public action against the homo lobby last Saturday. Saturday began with...
Nordic Resistance Movement activists burn Israeli flag at demonstration outside Israeli embassy, Stockholmvideo

Resistance Movement “holocausted” flag at Israeli embassy

ACTIVISM. The Nordic Resistance Movement signalled its opposition to the terrorist state of Israel with a speech and flag burning outside the Israeli embassy...

Yule dinner in Nest 2

YULE. Activists, members and family members from Sweden’s Nest 2 recently enjoyed one of the year’s highpoints – the Nest’s annual Yule dinner. The Yule...

An introduction to the nationalist sports scene in Germany

GERMANY CALLING. Sports and physical exercise have always been a part of nationalist movements, but during recent years the efforts of German nationalists in...

Cultured Thug reviews “Our Path”

MEDIA. The popular YouTube personality Cultured Thug reviews our political program "Our Path".

2018: A year in review

MEDIA. Norden Media presents a summary of the movement's activism from the year gone by.

Leafleting in Middelfart on the island of Fyn

ACTIVISM. Nest 1 in Denmark took to the streets of Middelfart on the island of Fyn. Activists arrived Saturday morning to Middelfart on the island...
Nordic Resistance Movement jeep on Danish beachvideo

Propaganda campaign on Danish seafront

ACTIVISM. Denmark’s Nest 1 recently carried out a propaganda offensive at several seaside resorts on the west coast of Jutland. On the weekend of 20...


National Socialism and the laws of nature

IDEOLOGY. Living in harmony with nature was once something that was taken for granted, but today everything that is natural is relativised and we...

Alibis vs allies

Soldier with gun

From weapons, freedom!