Activist Days 2020 – Denmark

RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. The Danish branch of the Nordic Resistance Movement held the 2020 edition of their annual Activist Days event last weekend. Every year, members...

White Lives Matter rally in Örebro

ACTIVISM. Nest 5 and Nest 8 were in Örebro on 18th July to hold a rally with a speech and leaflet distribution. Nest 5 and...

Public activity in Sarpsborg

ACTIVISM. The Nordic Resistance Movement held a public activity in the centre of Sarpsborg, Norway, on Saturday 18th July, following the murder of an...

Activism reports – Week 30, 2020

ACTIVISM. A selection of activism reports from the past week from around the North. Basic activism in Luleå Activism continued in Luleå on Sunday 19th July....

Nest 6 monthly meeting in the countryside

MEETING. On Saturday 11th July it was time for Nest 6’s monthly meeting. This month’s meeting was a little unusual as it was held...

Nest 8 monthly meeting with presentation on Nordic food

MEETING. Resistance men and women from Nest 8 met at a member’s farm in the countryside for their monthly meeting on Sunday 5th July. Due...

Large-scale activism in Randers

ACTIVISM. A group of activists held a large propaganda offensive in Randers, Denmark, on Thursday 16th July. Randers has long been flooded with anti-white propaganda,...

Activism in Rogaland honouring Vidkun Quisling on his birthday

ACTIVISM. The Nordic Resistance Movement recently held a large propaganda offensive in Rogaland, Norway, which included a birthday message to Vidkun Quisling. Nest 6 of...

Memorial for Göran Oredsson

MEMORIAL. Resistance men and women from Nest 8 and Nest 5 met in the beautiful environs of Kristberga Church near Borensberg on Saturday 27th...

Propaganda activity in Aalborg

ACTIVISM. A group of activists held a large-scale propaganda activity in Aalborg, Denmark, on Monday 13th July. Posters and stickers were put up in several...


Woman quote about Nazis

Does the Resistance Movement persecute Jews or other ethnic groups?

RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. In light of media hit pieces and proposed bills calling for a ban on the Nordic Resistance Movement, Simon Lindberg responds to...

Alibis vs allies

National Socialism in Practice