Anti-Zionist day of struggle in Stockholm

ACTIVISM. The Resistance Movement was in the Swedish capital on 14 October to conduct several activities against Israel and Zionism. The comrades met in the...

NORDIC FRONTIER #274: Fredrik Vejdeland and the Europa Congress

NORDIC FRONTIER. We sit down with Fredrik Vejdeland, veteran member of the movement, who recently attended the Gerd Honsik - Europa Congress in Vienna...

Continued activism against Israel across the Nordic countries

ACTIVISM. In response to the ongoing armed conflict in the Middle East, several actions against the terrorist state of Israel were conducted last weekend. The...

No Nordic Frontier this week

NORDIC FRONTIER. Due to forces outside of our control, there will be no Nordic Frontier this Sunday. We hope you will cope and we...

The Resistance Movement crash traitors’ Zionist lovefest

ACTIVISM. On 10 October, a demonstration was held in Stockholm in support of the terrorist state of Israel. Sweden’s Nest 1 counter-demonstrated. Following the Hamas-led...

Video from flash demonstration in Uppsala

ACTIVISM. Resistance Media's professional video from the successful action in Uppsala, Sweden. Related:

NORDIC FRONTIER #273: Alan Balogh on the Israel Question

NORDIC FRONTIER. Tonight we will talk to Alan Balogh, a White nationalist legend and a founding member of the National Justice Party, about what...

Questions and answers about the Resistance Movement’s stance against Israel

RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. After the organisation officially came out in support of the offensive against Israel, a number of people have made their feelings known....

Photo report: Flash demonstration in Uppsala

ACTIVISM. We present a photo report from the recent successful demonstration in Sweden's fourth-largest city.

Fundraising goal reached for documentary series featuring Vera Oredsson and Ursula Haverbeck

RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. A big thank you to everyone who donated! In September, we started a fundraising campaign for 30,000 SEK to produce a four-part professional...


Reflection on the National Day of Sweden: Under which banner should...

SYMBOLISM. Simon Holmqvist wrote the following article for the National Day of Sweden 2017, explaining why the Nordic Resistance Movement does not use the...

Resistance Movement 3.0

Drawing of the Nordic Resistance Movement flags with the Tyr rune symbol

Our symbols