NRM leafleting, Munkedal, Sweden

Election campaign begins in Munkedal

ACTIVISM. Activists from Sweden’s Nest 2 gathered for public leaflet distributions in Munkedal and Uddevalla on Saturday 9 April. The comrades’ first stop for the...
NRM Adolf Hitler poster in Bergen, Norway

“Read the truth about Adolf Hitler” – Public awareness activism on Hitler’s birthday

ACTIVISM. Norway’s Nest 3 held a large poster campaign in Bergen on the anniversary of Adolf Hitler’s birthday. To mark Adolf Hitler’s birthday, activists from...
NRM public activity at motor show, Elmia, Jönköping, Sweden

Sweden’s Nest 7 at Jönköping motor show

ACTIVISM. Sweden’s Nest 7 held a public leaflet distribution at the Bilsport Motor Show at Elmia Exhibition Centre in Jönköping on Easter Saturday. The traffic...
NRM Sandvad Asylum Centre protest, Denmarkvideo

Flash demonstration and speech at Sandvad Asylum Centre

ACTIVISM. Resistance Movement activists held a flash demonstration and speech in front of Sandvad Asylum Centre, Denmark, which houses racially alien murderers and sex...
Nordic Resistance Movement at Power Big Meet classic car show, Lidköping, Sweden

Warm welcome for Sweden’s Nest 2 at classic car show in Lidköping

ACTIVISM. The Resistance Movement recently held a popular banner action and leaflet distribution at the spring Power Big Meet car show and swap meet...
Nordic Resistance Movement public leafleting action, Norway

The Resistance Movement visits Fredrikstad and Sarpsborg

ACTIVISM. The Nordic Resistance Movement held public actions in Fredrikstad and Sarpsborg at the weekend. The activists received positive feedback from the people and...
Nest 5 NRM banner action, Falun, Sweden

Banner action and planning meeting in Sweden’s Nest 5

RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. Nest 5 held a banner action against the population exchange in a windy Dalarna, followed by an activist group meeting. Nest 5 activists...
Nordic Resistance Movement banner, Vejle, Denmarkvideo

Banner action in Vejle: “Love Your Own People”

ACTIVISM. Activists from the Danish branch of the Nordic Resistance Movement distributed a positive message in Vejle with a banner action and leafleting.  Activists visited...
NRM public activity in Insjön, Sweden

What have politicians done for you? – Public activity in Insjön

ACTIVISM. Activists from Sweden’s Nest 5 visited Hjultorget shopping centre in Insjön to hand out a pro-Nordic public service announcement. Activists from Nest 5 went... LED banner and smokevideo

Social Days and activism in Denmark’s Nest 3

RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. Members gathered for martial arts training and activism at the monthly Social Days event in Denmark’s Nest 3.  Saturday was dedicated to community...


Nordic Resistance Movement election tent, Ludvika, Sweden

Another election campaign comes to an end

RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. The organisation’s leader, Simon Lindberg, reflects on the Nordic Resistance Movement’s election campaign and its results. Writing an article about the election results...

Achieving Final Victory