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Ski trip and camping in Sweden’s Nest 5

WILDERNESS ACTIVITY. On Saturday, 20 February, members from Sweden’s Nest 5 met with invited guests to complete an overnight ski trip.

On Saturday, 20 February, members of the Nordic Resistance Movement, together with other invited guests, met in a location somewhere in the forests of southern Dalarna.

NRM Nest 5 ski trip skis

The purpose of the gathering was to conduct a cross-country ski trip with overnight camping. Many of those present had never been on a ski trip in this terrain before, so the day began with a short briefing.

NRM Nest 5 ski trip weight

Some packs that had been brought along for an unknown purpose were distributed. The participants’ bags were weighed, and those with the lightest packs were rewarded with additional weight in the form of an iron stove. Two sledges with unknown contents were also assigned owners.

NRM Nest 5 ski trip

The day coincided with a change in climate. Instead of conducting the ski trip in minus-degree weather as planned, there was rain and plus-degree temperatures. This had its advantages, however, as the trip became more challenging because the participants risked getting wet.

NRM Nest 5 ski trip

After setting a course towards the day’s first goal, the group moved off over a clear-felled area. The skiers in the lead had to make a trail for those further behind in the party, especially the ones with sledges. The first man chose the direction, while the followers widened and flattened down the snow on the trail.

Soon, after passing the clear-felled area, which was followed by woodland and bog, they reached their goal: a shelter located beside a lake.

NRM Nest 5 ski trip

Here, the participants were given the task of making a fire and boiling one and a half litres of water. They were just able to complete the task within the set time frame, resulting in them being rewarded with having lunch, which was prepared on site.

NRM Nest 5 ski trip food

The organiser also took the opportunity to issue the participants with an ultimatum – either they had to give up nicotine for the rest of the ski trip, or give up supper. The choice was easy. Even the most inveterate nicotine user had to admit that food was more necessary than snuff.

Soon the journey resumed, this time towards the spot where the evening camp was to be made. The load was redistributed, and the stove and sledges received new carriers and pullers, respectively. The journey continued over a lake, across bumpy terrain, then across another lake.

NRM Nest 5 ski trip

The intended campsite was finally reached, and duties were assigned. The participants with the widest skis were given the task of flattening the snow and then shovelling in additional snow to level the ground, while others were allotted tasks such as chopping wood.

Next it was revealed what the two sledges contained, which had been shrouded in mystery until this point. At the beginning of the activity, the organiser had stated that the purpose of the sledges was to train the participants to pull cargo across the terrain, and that the load consisted of random heavy objects. But to the delight of the participants, this turned out not to be the case. Instead, a large military tent was unpacked, to which the aforementioned iron stove belonged.

NRM Nest 5 ski trip tent

Eventually the participants were able to cook food and then go to bed and sleep, something that was much needed after the day’s trek. It rained heavily during the night, but thanks to the tent, the comrades avoided being exposed to the elements.

The next day, the group woke up to another task. The organiser decided that the participants would learn a new way to warm up people who had gotten wet out in the wilderness. For this exercise, a hole had been hacked in the ice a little way out on the lake. After the night’s rain, a layer of cold water lay on top of the ice, which the participants had to splash through on the way to the hole, before standing there with their feet underwater for a while.

NRM Nest 5 ski trip

When they returned to the campsite, another participant had to warm up the bather’s feet by placing them under his armpits, something that turned out to be very effective.

NRM Nest 5 ski trip tent

An experience richer, the men packed up the tent to leave the campsite and return to the trip’s starting point. After helping one another bring the sledges all the way back, the activity ended at 16.00.

The Nest would like to thank all the participants, and of course the organiser who planned the activity!

NRM Nest 5 ski trip

Swedish Academy wants to ban quotes on Nordfront


The state-financed and Cultural Marxist Swedish Academy wants to ban Nordfront from quoting deceased poets and authors from Sweden.

Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #186: No Justice – No Piss 

Spring monthly meeting with martial arts training in Sweden’s Nest 8


MEETING. On Saturday, 6 March it was again time for Sweden’s Nest 8 to gather for their monthly meeting, which on this occasion was held in the deep forest far out in the countryside.

The day began with an intensive two-hour martial arts training session. A new member – who competed in Thai boxing at an elite level and was attending his first meeting – was the instructor for the day’s kickboxing training.

NRM Nest 8 meeting training
The new instructor

Punching combinations, kicks and defensive moves were all taught during the training session. The participants practised maintaining their balance, distance, guard and positioning, including when fatigue sets in. The instructor’s calls of “Control the fight!” and “Protect yourself!” blended with battle cries, cheers, creaking floorboards and successfully landed blows. Sweat dripped from brows, and bloodshed was visible here and there.

NRM Nest 8 meeting training
Warming up

Immediately after the training, the organiser group laid out the day’s meal, which was fortunate, as the boxers’ energy supply had clearly been drained during the workout. This became all the more apparent when a succession of fully loaded plates were emptied by the diners.

NRM Nest 8 meeting dinner
A ravenous appetite

After a traditional singing of “Hold the Flag High!”, it was time for the speaking school.

NRM Nest 8 meeting song
Hold the Flag High

The topic for the first speaker was Point 3 of the party programme Our Path – “The Creation of the Nordic State”.

The speaker spoke freely and passionately about the folk community in the ethnically homogeneous Nordic region. The speaking school’s teacher awarded the speech high marks and emphasised the speaker’s relaxation, audience contact and good modulation.

NRM Nest 8 lecture
A speech about folk community in the ethnically homogenous Nordic Nation

Under suggestions for “Possible improvements”, the teacher’s advice was “Try increasing the intensity of the speech with focused appeals to the audience!”

The day’s second speaker discussed Our Path, Point 4, which goes into more detail on the government of the Nordic state.

The Nordic Nation will be a sovereign and self-sufficient state with a joint defence force, currency and central bank, as well as common overarching rules and laws.

The speaker described a state that is authoritarian without being totalitarian, and where the people rule, including via decisive referenda. Several examples from Germany during the 1930s were given.

The teacher praised the speaker for a strong, focused introduction, a smooth flow throughout the speech, and great audience contact, with several questions asked to the attendees.

Furthermore, the performance was characterised by good variation: the speaker alternated between explaining, recounting and exhibiting various things – such as ballot papers from a certain referendum in 1933.

Under “Possible improvements” he wrote “Free up your hands for gestures – try wearing pocketless trousers!”

The next item on the agenda was also about the art of public speaking. The meeting’s participants were shown video recordings from speeches by three different skilled and experienced speakers, all with very different techniques.

NRM Nest 8 meeting video
James O’Keefe speaks

In the subsequent discussions, different rhetorical styles were analysed, and it was debated as to which environments and subjects each of the assorted speaking styles fits best.

After coffee and cakes, which were baked by the Nest’s own pastry chef – and decorated with glorious symbols – the monthly meeting itself was held. As an introduction, two new members of the Nest and the organisation were welcomed and received their proof of membership.

Tyr rune cake
Tyr rune cake

The final point of the monthly meeting involved the planning of various inspiring, extensive and pioneering activities that will be held this summer.

NORDIC FRONTIER #186: No Justice – No Piss


NORDIC FRONTIER. Tonight we’ll talk about being outlaws in an anti-white system that wants you broke and dead. And Covidshit.





Love Your People – Banner action in Stockholm

Action against multicultural terrorism in Vetlanda

Jacob Vullum Andersen interview on Hold Fanen Høyt!

Simon Lindberg writes – Are you for or against acts of multicultural violence?

Daniel Wretström memorial speech 2020

Resolution Radio feat. Nordic Frontier


Nordfront in court – defending their right to quote our ancestors

Hate speech takes

Sweden Democrats improving chain migration


Dutch Oven getting hot:

Multiracial takes from Dugin on Dutton show


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Monthly meeting with lecture in Sweden’s Nest 2


MEETING. On Saturday, 6 March it was time for Nest 2’s latest monthly meeting.

The meeting began with a lecture by Jimmy Andersson, in which he talked about what it’s like to be in prison, something that some of our members have been forced to experience because of the system’s attitude towards the only true opposition.

Nest 2 NRM meeting lecture

The lecture reviewed aspects such as custody, arrest, detention and finally prison itself. Many attendees had questions and thoughts such as, What is a day behind bars like? What food do you get? What do the cells look like? etc. More practical things were also asked, such as how to deal with rent while incarcerated, and how to inform your family if you’re arrested.

During the lecture, the media group also tested livestreaming to comrades who could not participate for various reasons. This is something Nest 2 believes in and will continue to develop.

Next, Nest Chief Mattias Sigvardsson reviewed the new directives for the Nest, as well as upcoming activities. There was a lot of talk about the Bohusleden trail hike and the joint martial arts training, which everyone appreciated very much.


When the meeting was over, a sumptuous pyttipanna was served, which was cooked outdoors over an open fire in a Muurikka pan.

Restaurant hygiene inspection – below Nordic standards!

ACTIVISM. The Norwegian branch of the Nordic Resistance Movement recently conducted an action against restaurants believed to fall far below Nordic hygiene standards.

Norwegian restaurant hygiene ratings from the Resistance Movement

In January 2016, the Norwegian Food Safety Authority launched a “smiley face” rating system in cafés and restaurants throughout Norway. The Smiley Face Scheme is intended to make it easier for consumers to choose safe places to eat, with the results aiming to contribute to better hygiene and safer restaurant and takeaway food.

The Nordic Resistance Movement has followed this example and conducted an action against restaurants believed to be far under Nordic standards.

Photos from the activity:

Are you for or against acts of multicultural violence?


MULTICULTURALISM. The Leader of the Nordic Resistance Movement reflects on the act of madness in Vetlanda and the proposal to ban “racist” organisations.

Vetlanda terrorist attack and Nordic Resistance Movement activismSo it’s happened again. Last week an Afghan citizen committed a crazed knife attack in the Småland town of Vetlanda, stabbing seven people. Multicultural violence affects people daily in Sweden, and not just in the ghettos or big cities, but also out in the small towns.

Afghan terror attacker in Vetlanda, Sweden
The man who stabbed seven people in Vetlanda

Although acts of madness like this are still relatively uncommon, it is neither the first nor the last time it will happen. I remember the Eritrean man who stabbed a mother and her son in an unprovoked attack in an Ikea store in Västerås in 2015, for example. Of course, I also remember the more blatant terrorist attack in Stockholm in 2017, when an Uzbek man drove a truck directly into a crowd, killing five people.

Terrorist Rakhmat Akilov
The perpetrator of the terrorist attack on Drottninggatan, Stockholm, 2017

On the other hand, murders committed by racial strangers against Swedes are a frequent occurrence. One only has to look back at the previous year to find high-profile cases such as Tommie Lindh in Härnösand and Anna-Lena Lernhede in Kungälv. Even more common are the rapes, assaults and humiliation robberies that take place on a daily basis around the country – almost exclusively with foreigners as the perpetrators and Swedes as the victims.

Tommie Lindh
Tommie Lindh

In the big cities, there are areas that are completely controlled by foreign gangs, so-called no-go zones – areas where ambulances and fire brigades can’t go without police escort, and which the police don’t want to visit unless they have to. In nearly all of the country’s municipalities, there are ghettoes that are on their way to becoming future no-go zones.

More and more racial foreigners are crossing our borders every day, while very few are going home. This hardly alleviates the problems.

So what is the government doing about all this? Do they close the borders? Do they take tough measures against racially foreign criminality? Do they increase surveillance of people who are highly likely to commit anti-Swedish crimes in the future?

The Swedish government
The Swedish government. Photo: Ninni Andersson/The Swedish Government Offices

No, none of this. Instead they focus on how they can stop those of us actually resisting and attempting to create change. In 2019 the government appointed a committee to investigate whether “racist” organisations should be banned, and last week their conclusions so far were revealed – namely that they believe being a member of “racist” organisations should be forbidden, and that they will work towards this end.

Details regarding this issue – such as exactly how a racist organisation should be defined – are at present unclear, but it’s no wild guess to assume that one of the system’s aims is to make it illegal for Swedish citizens to oppose the foreign violence that’s becoming ever more widespread. This means it would be illegal to arrange and participate in rallies of the kind that the Nordic Resistance Movement held in Vetlanda last Saturday.

Nordic Resistance Movement activism in Vetlanda
Soon to be banned if the government get what they want?!

Instead of doing something about the problems and protecting their people, they choose to surrender completely and punish those who try to do something. So does the Swedish government want its own people to be subjected to all the violence and misery that comes with the mass invasion?

Who knows? But it’s more likely that they see it as a manageable side effect. The multicultural society must be enforced at all costs. The Swedish people will be diluted, and Sweden will no longer be Sweden. To enforce this goal – the goal of the globalists – people just have to put up with a few stabbings, terrorist attacks and rapes.

The Resistance Movement takes action here and now by being on the streets and squares and inspiring the people to fight back – and to remember the victims as well as the perpetrators. We act for the long-term goal of an ethnically homogeneous Nordic region, where anti-Swedish violence has been thrown on the rubbish heap of history together with those responsible for having allowed it.

Nordic Resistance Movement banner activism, Sweden
“This is our country!”

Do you agree with the government or the Resistance Movement? Are you for or against acts of multicultural violence? Do you think it’s worth the risk of your daughter being raped, your son being robbed or that you yourself might be randomly run over by a truck or stabbed when you go to town – all so your grandchildren will have a dark skin colour and speak a foreign language? If the answer is yes, I think you should remain quiet and live your life in your bubble. If not, it’s damn well time to join the struggle and start resisting!

The more of us who stand up for what is right, the more difficult it will be for them to actually force through their ban.

Ants working together
“No one can do everything, but everyone can do something”

Do you think it’s all over – that it’s too late to do something about it? I say it’s not, but naturally it’s your own choice if you want to tell your children that you’re at least doing – and have done – everything you can, or if you will say instead that you were too cowardly, too lazy and too defeatist even to try.

The insane attack in Vetlanda didn’t have to happen. It happened because you accept that this happens.

Love Your People – Banner action in Stockholm

ACTIVISM. Sweden’s Nest 1 held a banner action above National Road 73 in Stockholm on Saturday, 27 February.

Nordic Resistance Movement banner action in Stockholm

During the two hours of activity, thousands of drivers passed by and saw the Love Your People message, which caused reactions of both joy and vexation.

Despite numerous middle fingers, there was a clear majority of people giving the thumbs-up, waving, and beeping their car horns in appreciation. There were even some shouts of “Hail Victory” and “White power” from motorists, as well as one or two forbidden arm gestures.

Halfway into the action, the comrades were visited by the state’s servants in blue. This time it turned out that the police didn’t care much about the message or who the participants were; rather their specific task was to ensure that the current Corona restrictions were being followed, as, according to the state, the activity could be seen as an expression of opinion, meaning no more than four people were allowed to participate.

Nordic Resistance Movement banner action in Stockholm

However, as law-abiding citizens of the Nordic Resistance Movement, these restrictions were adhered to, precisely so the state would not be able to stick its meddling fingers and long nose into other people’s business.

After the successful action, the participants went to another part of the city to meet with more comrades and conduct the organisation’s activist test.

NRM activist taking part in the organisation's activist test

The participants did their utmost to improve on their previous results. One activist pushed himself so hard that he was sick during the running, which did not prevent him from completing it with a new personal record.

2020 – the year of gaslighting


Andreas brings up examples of gaslighting from the year of 2020. Maybe 2021 will get even worse.

Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #185: Gaslighting Terror

Action against multicultural terrorism in Vetlanda

ACTIVISM. Sweden’s Nest 7 held a town square meeting and speech in Vetlanda following the recent terrorist attack by an Afghan immigrant.

On Saturday, 6 March, Sweden’s Nest 7 held a town square meeting in Vetlanda in response to Wednesday’s terrorist attack, in which an Afghan immigrant went on a stabbing spree, injuring seven people. The Resistance men distributed specially printed leaflets with information about the attack and multicultural terrorism in Vetlanda in recent years. Nest Chief Hampus Maijala also held a speech on the subject.

Nordic Resistance Movement activity in VetlandaExcerpt from Hampus Maijala’s speech:

The politicians and media bear the main responsibility, and nothing will change as long as YOU continue to give them power. It is YOU who votes for one of the eight parliamentary parties, YOU who consumes the established media, and you who are silent out of cowardice instead of fighting back. It is YOU who decides whether more people should fall victim to the foreign invasion or whether enough is enough.

Police harassment during Nordic Resistance Movement activity in Vetlanda

When the activity was over, all the Resistance fighters were searched by the police and accused of the absurd crime of having conducted an unauthorised gathering.

Nordic Resistance Movement activity in Vetlanda

However, the day didn’t end there. The comrades continued to distribute leaflets to houses in Vetlanda, closely followed by a dozen police officers with two police vans.

Nordic Resistance Movement activity in Vetlanda
The pathetic “Follow the leader” game lasted for about an hour

When the leaflet distribution was completed, the comrades were harassed by the police again when they carried out a surprise inspection of one of the Resistance men’s cars.

Police harassment during Nordic Resistance Movement activity in Vetlanda

The very successful day concluded with food and socialising at a comrade’s home.

To all residents of Vetlanda and Småland who have not yet joined the fight for the salvation of our people: The next time we are out on the streets, you can stand there and fight with us instead of just reading about it afterwards. It’s time for you to find your courage and join the Resistance Movement!

Nordic Resistance Movement activity in Vetlanda


Aristotle quote: "Those who cannot bravely face danger are the slaves of their attackers."

Hard times create strong activists

STRUGGLE. Nest Chief Hampus Maijala writes about how the challenges faced as an activist in the Resistance Movement help you grow as a person...
Images of Cultural Marxism

What is Cultural Marxism?

National Socialism in Practice