Nordic Resistance Movement activism in Simrishamn

Public leafleting in Simrishamn

ACTIVISM. On Wednesday 12 June, activists from Nest 3 visited Simrishamn in Scania. The activists had a number of conversations with members of the public,...
Nest 7 members enjoy fun and games on National Day 2019

National Day celebration in Nest 7

COMMUNITY. On the National Day of Sweden, members and supporters from the Nordic Resistance Movement’s Nest 7 met for a day of recreation and...
Nordic Resistance Movement activism in Kristianstad on Sweden’s National Day

National Day activism in Kristianstad

ACTIVISM. On the National Day of Sweden, activists from Nest 3 were in Kristianstad to spread the message of the Nordic Resistance Movement. The...

Symbolic action against rape culture in Denmark

ACTIVISM. National Socialist activists in Randers, Denmark, recently conducted a symbolic protest against the growing foreign rape culture in the country. The activists suspended an...
Nordic Resistance Movement activism in Dalsland

Double public activity in Dalsland

ACTIVISM. On Sweden’s National Day, activist group 203 were out on the streets of Dalsland for public activities in the towns of Ed and...
A Left Party member photographs Nordic Resistance Movement activists with a drone

Leftist tried to secretly take pictures of Resistance men with drone

LEFT-WING EXTREMISM. A red tried to secretly take pictures of Resistance men with a drone, but the whole episode ended with him being photographed...
Danish homo lobby bench in Aarhus is repainted by Nordic Resistance Movement members

Activism against the homo lobby in Aarhus

ACTIVISM. Danish activists recently took corrective action against a homo lobby bench in Ceres Park, Aarhus. The homo lobby’s pressure to spread all that is...

The Resistance Movement visits Swedish Game Fair

ACTIVISM. Resistance men from Nest 1 and Nest 8 recently conducted a public flyer distribution at the Swedish Game Fair, a large hunting event...
Danish Nest 2 Nordic Resistance Movement activist test training

Danish Nest 2 hold physical test for activists

TRAINING. At the end of May, Denmark’s Nest 2 held the Resistance Movement’s obligatory physical test for activists. As a part of our worldview, we...
Nordic Resistance Movement activism in Eslöv

Public leafleting in Eslöv

ACTIVISM. On Thursday the 30th of May, members and activists from Nest 3 went to the Stora Coop supermarket at Eslöv for a public...


We dare to win and write history again and again

RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. Last week’s public action in Iceland was one of many milestones in the Nordic struggle for freedom. Here the leader of the...

What is National Socialism?