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Simon Lindberg speaks at Finnish Independence Day demonstration

RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. On 6th December, the leader of the Nordic Resistance Movement Simon Lindberg spoke at the Finnish Independence Day demonstration organised by Soldiers of Odin in Helsinki. Watch the video below:

Watch on BitChute

Transcript of the speech:

Comrades of the national resistance! It is with great joy that I am here in Helsinki for the third year in a row, on the Finnish “so called” Independence Day.

The reason why I use the term “so called” is obvious, but could any way maybe use some clarification. It is true that Finland broke free from over a century of Russian rule, and established its own Finnish state on the 6th of December 1917 – and that is of course something to be cheerful about – a reason as good as any, to express national pride on the streets and squares.

But at the same time as Finland has acquired this freedom, it has still been – and primarily during recent decades has developed into – a pathetic vassal state in the Globalists’ iron grip. I am not only talking about EU membership, but also about the national debt and big finance’s seizing of interest, the foreign-controlled media and the increasing amount of racial strangers who are invading our borders. I am also talking about the increased oppression from the system that is affecting the Finnish citizens. Finland is maybe free on paper, but not in practicality.

It is easy to see how Finland is also increasingly developing into an oppressive state that dutifully carries out the directives handed down by the self-proclaimed Elite – at the cost of the Finnish people’s freedom.

In 2017, the Finnish civil court in Tampere banned the Nordic Resistance Movement. In 2018, the court’s unlawful ruling was upheld by the court of appeal in Turku. Not because the Nordic Resistance Movement is classed a terrorist organisation or even criminal, but because it was going against “good customs” – or in other words – because the movement disturbed and frightened the members of the New World Order.

During last year’s 6th of December demonstration, freedom flags were violently confiscated by the Finnish police, and the proud men who carried them now stand accused of hate crimes and could go to prison. Not because the Swastika is somehow hateful or criminal, but because it expresses a pride in the struggle that the globalists dislike and fear.

A couple of months ago, Finnish authorities denied an organisation who defined themselves as National Socialist, the right to become registered. They said that National Socialism went against “good customs”. The self-appointed elite is shaking with fear and hatred of the natural white world view!

Last weekend, Finnish police confiscated two flags featuring the ancient Finnish Tursaansydän symbol. Powerful dark forces have also fought against this march being held. And the day is certainly not over yet. It truly is with a sense of pride that I can confirm that they really hate us and that THEY MOST CERTAINLY FEAR US!

With all this in mind, it is fantastic to see you all here today. Righteous men and women who stand up for the people with pride, despite the aggression from the system. It is also with great joy that I have seen National Socialists being very active on the streets during the year. I also want to thank Soldiers of Odin Suomi for their show of sacrifice for the struggle and their civil courage.

Even though the suppression of public opinion manifests itself slightly differently, and is punished differently in various states, we can see the same hostility to freedom in Finland also in Sweden, Norway and in most other Western countries.

They have the nerve to call it freedom of expression, even though we are only allowed to express what has already been approved by their censors.

They have the nerve to call it freedom to organise, even though we are only allowed to have active organisations they themselves have approved.

They have the nerve to call it democracy, even though we are not allowed to vote for representatives that have not sworn loyalty to the globalists and big business.

All of us who dared to take off our blindfolds and can therefore see clearly, understand that this is nothing other than pure, traditional Chutzpah. Freedom of expression, freedom of association and democracy are DEAD in Finland and have been for quite some time now. We have never truly been allowed to conduct oppositional politics in this false state – it has really only been an illusion they previously felt they could let us indulge in.

But now they are so afraid of us that they are forced to dismantle the illusion. The liberal democracy is nothing else than a full-scale cultural Marxist and capitalist dictatorship – its autocratic rulers, have only disguised it as a free democracy!

The rulers of the world wanting to hold on to their power is nothing strange in itself – all people with power tend to want to keep the status quo. The real problem is that their subjects – the people – accepts this. The white European peoples allow themselves to be pushed around, fooled, humiliated, spat on and raped. To become second-class citizens in their own countries – the countries we own the rights to, through the blood of our ancestors!

For example, you might think there should be as many participants in this march as there are going to be in the torch-lit march later today – that more Finns would go out onto the streets and demand real freedom, and independence, on an historic day like this.

But the truth is really that this is somewhat of a defeatist view, and that in reality things actually are different. If you were to suggest that the people gathered right here, right now, are the only ones fed up with the situation and the only ones wishing for a revolutionary change in society, you would be terribly wrong. Because in the shadows, the support for our movement grows like never before. People are clenching their fists in their pockets in ever increasing numbers. In the break rooms of almost all workplaces, people from around the North are cursing at the development – or rather the deconstruction – of our nations and our freedom.

This is also the explanation for the increased repression – and the more openly suppressed freedom of speech. The ones in power today can see what many so-called “awake” nationalists can’t even see; namely, that we nationalists are on the path to something truly great. For the first time in several decades, radical and racially aware nationalists are heading towards a REAL breakthrough!

I am not saying that victory will come tomorrow. Absolutely not. But I am saying that the winds are slowly changing, and that after years of stubborn, unyielding and self-sacrificing struggle against all the odds, we have finally started to move in the right direction.

It is because of this that the system has escalated its repression – and believe me when I tell you that it is going to get a lot worse. Bigger media lies. Harder hate crime laws with harsher punishments. More banning. We will see more infiltrators who spread chaos and division, more tracked mobile and data traffic, more false-flag attacks, and all that they can come up with to stop our progress.

Therefore, I want to tell all of you who have your hearts in the right place – that whatever happens – stick together, keep fighting and keep believing in victory. As long as you stand strong and proud, THEY WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO STOP US!

All the rapes and robberies, the corruption among the politicians, the lies in the media, and the cultural Marxist poison, have poured so much fuel throughout society – that all you need is a few sparks in the right place to ignite the national revolution. The one we have all eagerly been waiting for, longed for and really want to see happen.

So keep spreading the sparks, comrades – 365 days of the year in all conceivable places. When you least expect it, one of those sparks will light the FIRESTORM NEEDED TO TAKE BACK OUR NATIONS!

Because we are, as I said, on the right path, and the rise of our people is inevitable – it is not a question of if, but when, we can become the vanguard of the awakened people and FIGHT BACK FOR REAL!

When our Nordic people have broken loose from the shackles of capitalism, and the Marxist subversive spirit has been repelled. When our nation’s foes have been driven into the sea and the racial aliens have been put on the first flight home. When our kindred peoples have come together in a Nordic nation, built to stand self-sufficient and strong for a 1000 years into the future.

Then we can celebrate a real Finnish freedom and independence day with great pride. Then I will – if I am still alive – proclaim the same thing as I will do right now. And that is:


Related: Finland’s Independence Day commemorated in Helsinki

National Socialists honour Daniel Wretström’s memory


SWEDEN. On 9th December, National Socialists honoured the memory of Daniel Wretström on the anniversary of his murder.

The young nationalist Daniel Wretström was assaulted and tortured to death on 9th December 19 years ago by a gang of immigrants in Salem, Greater Stockholm.

The gang attacked Daniel while he was waiting at a bus stop and beat him with sticks and planks until he lay motionless on the ground. Then one of the perpetrators, Khaled Odeh, stabbed Daniel’s body so many times that the knife broke, before slitting his throat with what remained of the blade. After the murder, a witness heard someone in the gang shout “Crush racism!” as they fled the scene.

Prior to the murder, the enemy media had pursued a vile hate campaign against nationalism and nationalists, with the Social Democrat prime minister Göran Persson and politician Mona Sahlin stating in one article that they were going to “crush” nationalists.

The immigrants involved in the murder were only sentenced to community service and 1,500 kronor in fines. The murderer Khaled Odeh now lives under a hidden identity. Danilo Herniques, who also took part in the murder, is today an artist who goes under the name “Danjah”.

Daniel Wretström was just 17 at the time of his death.

One week after the murder, over a thousand Swedes gathered in Salem to mourn Daniel’s passing and voice their disgust at the establishment. A memorial march was subsequently organised in Daniel’s honour in December each year. The marches, which drew thousands of participants, lasted from 2000 to 2010.

Today Daniel continues to be remembered.

On 9th December, autonomous National Socialists held several activities to honour Daniel’s memory, including banner drops and a torchlit ceremony at his graveside in Västerås.

“We never forget Daniel Wretström”
“We remember Daniel Wretström”

In the Nordic Resistance Movement’s Nest 1, members and activists gathered for a memorial and speech at the site of Daniel’s murder. The speech recounted the brutal attack on Daniel as well as the agitation against nationalists from the establishment in the weeks leading up to Daniel’s killing – and the tacit consent this gave to violence against Swedes.

The speaker emphasised that Daniel’s family should be allowed to mourn his passing, but for us the time for mourning is over. After the speech, torches were lit and a minute of silence was held for Daniel Wretström and all the Swedish lives that have been lost because of the multicultural experiment.

An excerpt from the speech reads:

The time for mourning is over. Now a new era beings, the Resistance’s era. With total resistance, we must fight the destructive society that is the root of all evil, the root of the multicultural violence that occurs daily against Swedes. We will remember and honour the dead, but our enemies shall know that the time for mourning is over. The time for vengeance is here!

More photos from Västerås:

Police harassment

The local media’s reaction: “Many shocked by banner that honours murdered skinhead on anniversary”. You can’t mourn a nationalist being murdered for his views – it’s something positive.

How the retarded left started the trend with big nationalist marches in Finland


The Independence day in Finland gathered around 2,500-3,000 patriots in the “6/12”-demonstration where members from National Socialist organizations like Kohti Vapautta and Nordic Resistance Movement were welcome.

But it wasn’t always like this, explains Michael Hovila. Although there should be even more participants, it was worse back in the days.

Then came the left.

Excerpts from Nordic Frontier #134.

Public leafleting in Ullared


ACTIVISM. On Saturday 7th December, members and activists from Nest 2, together with a guest from Nest 5, gathered at the Gekås shopping centre in Ullared, western Sweden, to spread the message of the Nordic Resistance Movement.

The group set up with flags and leafleters beside the large entrance to the shopping centre. The leaflets were handed out at a fast pace, and the vast majority of shoppers who stopped to talk were positive towards our cause. Some reprimands were necessary when folk traitors spat at a Resistance man, with one trying to knock the leaflets out of the hand of an activist, and one screaming abuse at another activist. After the reprimands, the folk traitors ended up leaving the area with their tails between their legs.

The police showed up as usual to waste the resources they claim not to have and tried to make the National Socialists leave the area. They failed in their task when they eventually realised the activists were standing on public ground.

A long discussion took place with a person who said he supports the Resistance Movement’s views 100% and promised to apply when he got home. Overall it was a very successful activity, with many leaflets changing hands and many comments urging us to “keep up the fight!”

In conversation with Tina Lund

RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. The German Social Nationalist organisation Der Dritte Weg recently conducted an interview with Tina Lund from the Nordic Resistance Movement. The conversation covered topics such as her history of activism and women’s wider role in the struggle.

The below interview with Tina Lund was conducted by a woman from our German cooperation organisation Der Dritte Weg as part of their monthly column “Die Weggefährtin” [Fellow Traveller], which focuses on interviews with nationalist women. The original German article can be found here.

The original aim of this article was to give an insight into the structure of the Nordic Resistance Movement, with emphasis on the work of its women. After a detailed interview with Tina, and some private words afterwards, it was only right that the article also served to give a personal insight into the life of a woman who in all respects has devoted herself to the struggle for folk and nation in an inspirational way. She offers direct, thought-provoking words, anecdotes from the field that inspire courage, and truths requiring no discussion.

I realised that Tina was a special woman over a year ago when I met her at a Nordic Resistance Movement demonstration in Stockholm. She has an open, warm manner and had much to relate about political difficulties, social change and the slow but certain re-education of her people that has taken place in recent decades.

Tina’s way of thinking has always been very traditional, or natural, as she calls it. For her, National Socialism is the most natural way of life – preservation of the blood and preservation of the Nordic culture are fundamental. As is often the case, this led to an interest in seeking and maintaining contact with those who share her ideals.

Her activism was sparked by the first wave of migration from the Balkans in the early 1990s. In the 1994 election she became politically active in the Sweden Democrats, who at that time still had nationalist values and goals, but during the succeeding years would be increasingly transformed into a system-controlled, liberal cesspit.

The struggle for her country drove her further, and in 1998 she joined the National Socialist Front as a political activist and earned respect and recognition among her mostly male party comrades.

When her children were born, things were quieter for a few years for the energetic Tina. She dedicated herself to her role as a mother and embraced the most beautiful time in a woman’s life. But as the political changes in Sweden showed no signs of abating, she decided it was time for a new challenge: a return to the front for the national resistance while uniting family and activism. Because the fight for the fatherland is not a gender issue, as the Swedes say, but a responsibility that every one of us has.

Tina with Vera Oredsson

Thus this extraordinary woman found her place in the Nordic Resistance Movement around five years ago. I asked if her children are marginalised at school:

“No, not at all,” said Tina. “Many of the children think it’s cool their classmates’ mum is in the Resistance Movement.”

She doesn’t have any problems with the other parents either. In the small Swedish town where she lives, she is accepted.

Today Tina leads her own group within the Nordic Resistance Movement and has the respect from her comrades that she earned via her many years of activism. She is especially proud of the women in the organisation, who don’t just support the men but are also active in the everyday work of the movement. Public leafleting, putting up placards or being on the catering team at events – everyone contributes according to their abilities.

Those who cannot be active publicly can contribute in other ways, with one example being the Swedish-language podcast made for and by women – Radio Regeringen.

The question of role assignment within the Nordic Resistance Movement can quickly be explained in one sentence: The right person in the right place. Everyone has their duties, according to their strengths and interests, regardless of whether they are male or female. Tina says there is only exception: “On demonstrations, the men hold the shields. We want to convey traditional ideals because we stand for traditional values.”

Tina also sees her leadership as a possibility. By being a role model for other women, she gives them the courage to stand up against the modern zeitgeist – encapsulated in the motto “What I can do, you can do too.” That’s why she appears on the organisation’s radio shows, talks to Swedes on the streets during public activities and tries to understand why so few women are interested in political activism.

Being a mother herself, she asks herself the same question again and again:

How can someone just descend into passivity and comfort and leave a worse world to their children? We are the last generation who can change something. After us, it’s up to our children, and it will be more difficult for them than us. Activism on the streets is just a small part of our work. We have members who prefer to work behind the scenes for personal reasons, but they still contribute to an essential part of the whole. There is no reason not to be active!

Tina rightly accuses those women who wander around blindly, entrenched in the morbid Bolshevik zeitgeist, while spending their time marketing their “individual” personalities on Instagram, Facebook etc.

But in Sweden there are a few (both men and women) who take matters into their own hands and do not shy away from standing out from the masses. They come from all walks of life and have found their way to the organisation in their own ways, whether they are women who have been harassed by “new Swedes”, youths who are sick of unhealthy additives and ruthless factory farming and have found the path to a more natural lifestyle via an article by the Resistance Movement, or the man who wants to drop off his wife and children in the evening with a clear conscience.

Tina knows that her movement makes a difference and she is proud of being a part of the whole – fighting as a white woman and mother, for Sweden, her fatherland and all of the North.

In closing, I would like to thank Tina for her time, from woman to woman. She is more than just a Weggefährtin. Women like her deserve to be called pioneers.

Inspiring monthly meeting in Nest 8


MEETING. On Sunday the 1st of December, Resistance men from Västmanland, Närke, Sörmland and Östergötland gathered in a rural, winter setting to participate in Nest 8’s monthly meeting.

Nest chief Jimmy Thunlind initiated the meeting with a presentation under the highly topical title “Revolution is possible”.

”Nordic revolution – without pardon” is a chant that’s often heard at Resistance Movement activities. But, Thunlind asked, are we fully convinced that a white revolution is possible in the Nordic countries within the foreseeable future? When it comes to the overwhelming majority of unenthusiastic and half-hearted nationalists outside our ranks, there is definitely no well-grounded conviction of such a possibility. There is, on the other hand, greater certainty about what our enemies think of us:

– SÄPO (the Swedish secret service) regards the Resistance Movement as the biggest threat to democracy in Sweden and the other Nordic countries, based mainly on our movement’s distinct ideological orientation, robust organization and strong leadership. Moreover, the organization’s members and activists are well trained and well disciplined.

– The World Jewish Congress demands the rewriting of the country’s constitution in order ban the Resistance Movement. They have gone to the extent of creating a substandard propaganda film on the subject in which clear lies are mixed with other distortions of reality.

– Both state and Jewish media are competing in an assiduous attempt to incite, lie about and smear the Nordic Resistance Movement.

Whence does this powerful force derive? A force that fills the Resistance men with conviction, a will to act and courage – and our enemies with dread and desperation. It originates from our ideology – National Socialism – with roots in the laws of nature and which, at one point in history, built the foundations for the creation of a proud state. A state that rose from total collapse, degeneration and desperation to become an economic and social thriving wonder, built by proud and upstanding people.

Thunlind further described the journey of the NSDAP in Germany during a period of 14 years, from 1919 – when a very special seventh member was recruited – up to their assumption of power in 1933.

The modern National Socialist who thoroughly studies that period of history should have no doubts as to the possibility of a National Socialist ascendancy to power in the Nordic countries, as long as we act correctly. Summarized below are all the important conclusions that can be drawn, according to Thunlind, when studying that historical example:

– An originally small political group can come to power as long as it has the right ideology, organization and strategy.

– National Socialism is the only ideology that has the power to abolish the globalist, Zionist oppression.

– Speech is a very important tool of propaganda. The spoken word reaches deeper and wider to people than the written one.

– In case of financial collapse, a major terror attack or war in our proximity, our growing organization must be ready to act according to our goals.

– The new state’s structure must first be built internally before taking power and applying the structure externally.

The presentation was followed by a much appreciated Christmas meal before the monthly meeting. The meeting began with the reading of short letter by Nest 8 to a great National Socialist, Ursula Haverbeck, who is currently in a German prison for her ideas and opinions:

Dear brave lady,

Thank you for your sacrifices for the German people. Thank you for never backing down on the truth regardless of the consequences for yourself. You are an example to all of us, and you are always in our thoughts.

Warm greetings from the Nordic Resistance Movement’s eighth nest.

Proof of membership was then handed out to all new members, who were warmly welcomed to the organization. The report of the Nest’s activities for the past month was read out and detailed 12 basic activities, two training activities, one propaganda production activity and three public activities.

The meeting was concluded with the customary planning of activism for the coming month, which promised many interesting activities.

NORDIC FRONTIER #134: Jan Lamprecht out of Africa


NORDIC FRONTIER. We invite Jan Lamprecht to get the absolute take on the continent of Africa.


Enjoying the midday sun in the land of the Nords.


Christmas Sale at Greenpilled.com

Radio Excerpts – Help spread the content!

Finland marches on independence day


We invite Jan Lamprecht of Historyreviewed.com to talk about Africa:

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Finland’s Independence Day commemorated in Helsinki


FINLAND. On 6th December, Finland’s Independence Day was commemorated with two demonstrations in Helsinki.

The first demonstration was arranged by Soldiers of Odin. The demonstration was originally set to be organised by the National Socialist organisation Kohti Vaupatta (Towards Freedom), but the police commission denied them permission as they believe the group to be a continuation of the Nordic Resistance Movement, which is banned in Finland.

Photo: Der-dritte-weg.info

A delegation of around 30 men and women from the Nordic Resistance Movement’s Swedish and Norwegian branches took part in the demonstration. The organisation’s leader, Simon Lindberg, held the final speech of the event. Other speakers at the demonstration included a German comrade from Der Dritte Weg and four Finnish speakers – two from Soldiers of Odin, and two from Kohti Vapautta, who spoke in the capacity of private individuals.

Overall the demonstration passed without problems. The Swedish left-wing extremist Elias Lodin (below), who had travelled to Finland for the event, was taken into custody by the police after acting like the village idiot he is at the gathering place.

When the first demonstration was over, the 300-plus participants went on to the gathering for the patriotic “6/12” demonstration. According to the organiser, 2,500-3,000 patriots took part in the demonstration, marching with torches in hand to commemorate Finland’s independence.

Photo: Der-dritte-weg.info

As usual, communists and other reds were present to disrupt and sully the commemoration with loud noise and their general presence. However, they fared poorly against the larger crowd of patriots, who in addition to shouting anti-communist slogans, also threw at least one torch and a banger into one of the red mobs. There were also reports of a communist getting his comeuppance during the night, which may have been revenge for a cowardly attack by a group of reds against a lone activist outside his residence earlier in the day.

Photo: Der-dritte-weg.info

The struggle for freedom in Finland continues!

National Socialist flash demonstration in Helsinki

FINLAND. The Finnish National Socialist organisation Kohti Vapautta (Towards Freedom) held a flash demonstration and leaflet distribution in central Helsinki on 30 November.

The demonstration served to raise awareness of the National Socialist march on Finland’s Independence Day on 6 December and also commemorated the Finnish Winter War, which began on 30 November 80 years ago.

After the demonstration, the activists continued to spread information about the Independence March. Kohti Vapautta have been denied permission to hold their own customary National Socialist demonstration before the larger joint independence march because the police believe the organisation is a continuation of the currently banned Finnish branch of the Nordic Resistance Movement.

The police showed up to the flash demonstration after a while and demanded identification from the participants, but no one was arrested.

Kohti Vapautta’s video from the demonstration (Finnish):

Video not displaying correctly? Watch on VK.

English translation of the speech:

Today, November 30th, is the day when the Winter War started. We have gathered here to promote the coming Independence Day demonstration and to commemorate those brave men who, 80 years ago, had to take up their guns and defend the independence of our young nation.

Now we ask: How many of the youth of today could defend our country when it’s needed, in the time when men are no longer men and women and are no longer women? Only a few hours without smartphones, electricity and running water would cause a meltdown for the spoiled youth of the 21st century.

One hundred and five days of honour followed that last day of November, during which the underpowered Finnish soldiers showed the world how a small but convinced group can fight and beat their overpowered enemy, such as at the battles of Suomussalmi and Raate Road.

At Raate Road, about 500 Finnish soldiers died, but the men of two Soviet regiments from the 44th Division were almost totally destroyed. Some of the Soviet soldiers died from the freezing temperatures because the Soviet Union was unprepared for the cold.

When we compare our fight for the independence of our nation to the fight of our war heroes, it’s apparent that in the 40s they had a clear picture of the enemy: it came from the east with its weapons and uniforms. Our enemy, on the other hand, is not always so obvious. It exists in many forms, such as globalism, feminism, Marxism, multiculturalism and capitalism. But the real financers of the enemy and the highest leaders are the same today as those in 1939. They want to destroy the Finnish people and other European peoples and reach the position of a world authority.

This is why we stand resisting this genocide, and our fight continues until the victory. We will remove all the obstacles the bureaucratic machinery tries to put in our way. Each year when the Independence Day gets closer, the media starts telling us we should stay at home to watch and admire the independence party of the elite on TV – the same elite that each day cut away pieces from our bread, our education, our health care and the rights of the Finnish people to be master of their own country without having the international unions such as the EU, UN or global companies have their fingers in the decision-making.

If we were to believe these unions and our politicians, demonstrations commemorating the war heroes and elevating the modern nationalist spirit are ”against good manners”, extremism and dangerous to democracy.

We, on the other hand, want to urge you as a Finn to ask yourself the following questions: Can you look yourself in the mirror and not act when the politicians are gradually destroying your nations in all possible ways they can? Does your conscience let you just stand and watch? Do you accept it quietly, just wishing that the total economical, political and cultural collapse of our nation and the replacement of Finnish children by Middle Eastern and African people – leading to our genocide – won’t happen during your own lifetime?

If you answered ”NO” to these questions, come to demonstrate with us on December 6th under the banner ”Towards Freedom!”

Public activity and speech in Uppsala

ACTIVISM. Nest 1 and Nest 8 conducted a joint public activity featuring a speech and leaflet distribution in Uppsala, Sweden, last weekend. The response from the local people was good and generated many interesting conversations.

On Saturday 23 November, activists and members from Nests 1 and 8 gathered on a square in central Uppsala for a joint public manifestation. The activity began with the unfurling of a banner with the slogan “We are the people!”, which was flanked by two flag bearers.

Jimmy Thunlind from Nest 8 then took his position behind the banner and held a powerful speech in defence of freedom of expression and against the Swedish regime’s politics of population replacement.

Thunlind encouraged the audience to join the Nordic Resistance Movement and contribute to the struggle for a self-governing North with control over its own decision-making, natural resources and currency.

Just as the speech was about to begin, a police car arrived on the square, with two more following immediately afterwards. The police didn’t attempt to make contact with any of the activists during the speech or subsequent leaflet distribution, however, and instead contented themselves with spectating the activity.

Many interesting conversations arose with passers-by during the leafleting. A lot of people were sincerely interested in the Resistance Movement’s politics, with one man saying, “Now that the Sweden Democrats have betrayed all their ideals, you are the only trustworthy alternative!”

Another man said he has long been a reader of everything written on Nordfront and listens to Nordisk Radio’s podcasts, while a young woman was curious about how society would change if the Resistance Movement took power.

In the middle of the activity, a large group of students dressed as bears came and danced to loud music on the square. This naturally drew even more people to the location, and they were accordingly given informative leaflets and engaged in discussions by the Resistance men.

After two and a half hours, the successful activity concluded without any disruptions. The comrades then gathered in the warmth of a café to refuel and evaluate the day’s events. Everyone agreed that Uppsala should definitely be the site of more activities in the future.


The Nordic Resistance Movement – The last outpost in the fight...

IDEOLOGY. The leader of the Nordic Resistance Movement writes about the dangers of the homo lobby’s advance, and the Resistance Movement’s struggle against these...

A Link to the Past

Humiliation violence