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Nest 7 banner actions in Jönköping

ACTIVISM. Several banner actions were held on central bridges in Jönköping by Sweden’s Nest 7 on Saturday, 26 February.

Activists from Småland gathered in Jönköping to spread the Resistance Movement’s message to drivers travelling on the E4 motorway through the city. The group stood with banners on several different bridges with the message “Stop the Population Replacement”.

The action was intended to make Swedes aware that there is an ongoing exchange (or genocide) of the Swedish people, and that this must be stopped.

Nordic Resistance Movement banner action in Jönköping, Sweden

The activists were met by many happy smiles and greetings from drivers. Some of the passing pedestrians on the bridges also came forward to express their support or ask questions.

Nordic Resistance Movement banner action in Jönköping, SwedenNordic Resistance Movement banner action in Jönköping, SwedenNordic Resistance Movement banner action in Jönköping, SwedenNordic Resistance Movement banner action in Jönköping, Sweden

The police in Jönköping, who are usually very hostile to the Resistance Movement, did not do anything but stand and watch this time.

Nordic Resistance Movement banner action in Jönköping, SwedenNordic Resistance Movement banner action in Jönköping, SwedenNordic Resistance Movement banner action in Jönköping, Sweden

One of the activists said the following about the activity:

“The response today was very positive. There were many more positive reactions than negative, and I saw several people giving victory salutes. The response from many truck drivers was particularly good.”

Does the Resistance Movement persecute Jews or other ethnic groups?


RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. In light of media hit pieces and proposed bills calling for a ban on the Nordic Resistance Movement, Simon Lindberg responds to the claim that we persecute Jews and other ethnic groups.

Over the years there have been many failed attempts by the system to ban the Nordic Resistance Movement – both in its entirety as an organisation, as well as various parts of our operations. These attempts have failed because they were deemed to be illegal, and instead we have celebrated victory after victory in the courts.

Consequently, the government set up a workgroup in 2019 to investigate how they could ban our organisation. Last year the “Committee on the Prohibition of Racist Organisations” presented its result: a proposal that racist organisations engaged in “persecution of ethnic groups based on ethnic origin, skin colour or race” should be banned, and that involvement in these groups should be punished with up to two years in prison.

Prison cell

Experts on both the right and left denounced the proposal. According to friends of free speech, it was illegal; and according to enemies of free speech, it was too limited to serve the purpose of convicting anyone. There are simply no groups currently active in Sweden that engage in this kind of persecution of other ethnic groups.

But what would happen if the media, together with a defecting traitor, were to create such a straw man? Would they succeed in banning the Nordic Resistance Movement then?

For me and many others, it feels like this is what they are trying to achieve when they let Jimmy Thunlind talk extensively about weapons; claim that we are terrorists, “in a sense”; and say that we should be held responsible for previous incidents involving ex-members, such as the bomb attacks on asylum centres in Gothenburg in 2017 – a case that even the prosecutor made abundantly clear had no connection to us.

I get similar feelings when I read Niklas Orrenius’s article in Dagens Nyheter about a supposedly anonymous Jewish woman in Norrköping who claims that the Resistance Movement is “after us all the time” and that her car was vandalised nine times, stating, “They hate me. They hate my children. They want to gas us.”

How does she know that the Resistance Movement is behind these actions when the organisation has not claimed responsibility in any way? Where do the claims of hatred and gassing come from? And why does she feel the need to be anonymous when her alleged persecutors already know who she is? No doubt these are questions only Orrenius can answer.

Woman quote about Nazis
Excerpt from an article in Dagens Nyheter: “Anna has had her car vandalised nine times. Broken wing mirrors, doors kicked in, scratches on the paint. ‘Once they scratched a swastika into my car. They hate me. They hate my children. They want to gas us.’”

However, if we assume that:

  • An openly National Socialist organisation (and therefore an ideologically racist one, according to the establishment), like the Nordic Resistance Movement,
  • is heavily armed, terroristic and offensively violent (according to Thunlind),
  • and constantly harasses individual Jews because they are part of the Jewish ethnic group (according to the Norrköping Jewess in Dagens Nyheter):

then has this organisation not met the criteria to be banned according to the proposal by the Committee on the Prohibition of Racist Organisations?

In any case, it is not an unthinkable scenario that some prosecutor who wants to make a career out of prostituting himself to the system will attempt to argue this or something similar in a future trial.

We have discussed the first two points above several times before in both podcast and article form, so here I will just focus on responding to the last point.

Should the Nordic Resistance Movement be banned? Do we persecute Jews or other ethnic groups?

No, of course we should not, because of course we do not.

In order to be considered to be persecuting an ethnic group, one must have persecuted individuals from that group. The persecution in question must also involve violence and threats based on group affiliation, otherwise it is impossible for it to be regarded as racist persecution of an ethnic group.

For us, Jews, Arabs, Blacks or any other ethnic “minority group” are of no interest whatsoever as individuals. It is in groups of tens of thousands – or, even worse, in millions – that they constitute a threat to our race, if they are located within the borders of the Nordic countries. We hate no individual based purely on where he or she originally comes from; however, we are extremely concerned about the consequences for the survival, freedom and well-being of the Nordic peoples when millions of racial foreigners invade our borders.

These foreigners can also be dangerous in somewhat smaller numbers if they have plentiful resources (e.g., ownership of banks and the media) and organise themselves with the clear intent of using their power to further their own interests by attacking and taking from our people; however, this relates to groups with organised interests and not random individuals who collectively make up a group; and moreover, it does not concern some innocent group, but rather those who act against us.

Individuals only become our enemies when they act with hostility towards us and our cause, and in such cases it makes no difference whether they are Black or Jewish homosexual women, or Asatru White heterosexual men. We will hate them just as much on account of their malicious deeds, not because of their biology.

Man and woman arguing

Black paedophiles are no worse than White paedophiles, and I feel far more hate towards Jimmy Thunlind or Niklas Orrenius than I could ever do towards a random racial foreigner or homosexual who has not done me or what I believe in any harm.

We therefore do not persecute anyone based on their ethnic origin, skin colour or race. Not even Jewesses in Norrköping.

“Join the Nordic Resistance Movement!” – Mobile banner action in Örkelljunga

ACTIVISM. Sweden’s Nest 3 encouraged the people of Örkelljunga to join the struggle with the aid of nationalist music and healthy messages on 26 February.

NRM mobile banner action in Örkelljunga, Sweden

Activists from Nest 3 reprised a favourite activity on Saturday, 26 February, when they outfitted a trailer with flags, banners and a loudspeaker and drove it around the streets of Örkelljunga and nearby villages. This time they made a new addition to the formula by playing nationalist music from the loudspeakers while they drove along the streets.

NRM mobile banner action in Örkelljunga, Sweden

Classic Swedish nationalist songs like Folk i Gevär by Svensk Ungdom were played, alongside remixes of marching music like Fallshirmjäger, which is also known as the intro track to the Mer än ord podcast.

NRM mobile banner action in Örkelljunga, Sweden

As the nationalist music echoed through the streets of Skåne, it was accompanied by National Socialist messages conveyed via megaphone. Some examples included: “Join the Nordic Resistance Movement!”, “Fight for our people” and “Strike back against the population replacement, gang terrorism and leftist tyranny – For the fatherland!”

NRM mobile banner action in Örkelljunga, Sweden

The action lasted for over three hours and resulted in large parts of the population of Örkelljunga hearing the message. The activists drove along both minor and major roads, passing through Skånes Fagerhult, Åsljunga, Skånes Värsjö and central parts of Örkelljunga.

NRM mobile banner action in Örkelljunga, Sweden

The Resistance men were met by a large number of waves and thumbs-up during the activity. An elderly man even began dancing and conducting with his fingers when he recognised the familiar melody of one of the songs.

There were a few negative reactions too. One strange character, who was armed with some kind of melee weapon, decided to overtake the activists’ car and then slam his brakes on right in front of it. However, he quickly changed his attitude when the activists rushed out of their car to confront him, which ended with the man wishing the activists good luck and a nice day.

NRM mobile banner action in Örkelljunga, Sweden
A shocked bystander films the event

After the activists had repeated their playlist a few times, shouted themselves hoarse and made themselves known in the municipality, they concluded the activity.

A message to all nationalists thinking of going to fight in Ukraine


IDEOLOGY. The leader of the Nordic Resistance Movement offers some advice to the Nordic men thinking about participating in the war against Russia.

Ukrainian soldier and flag

I want to begin by saying that I understand why Nordic hearts are beating at the thought of White kinsfolk dying in a war in our Europe. Altruism is one of the primary racial characteristics of the Nordic peoples – another is courage. Wanting to give your all to protect others is something beautiful – something that shows you are still at least somewhat in touch with your inner self and not completely enslaved by materialism.

In other words, I understand the feelings and instincts behind the desire to travel to Ukraine and participate in the war. However, I have a much harder time understanding those who actually choose to act on this desire and make it a reality, because however much your feelings and instincts may tell you otherwise, the following logical arguments in this article should put a stop to your plans.

Similarly, I fully understand those who occasionally entertain the thought of taking up arms and shooting down folk traitors or racially alien rapists here in Sweden. But I also understand that such people do not act on these desires because logical reasoning stands in the way of their emotions and instincts.

I want every nationalist man in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland to get involved on behalf of the Nordic countries and Nordic peoples, instead of going to Ukraine. For the benefit of our own nation.

If you were to put the time, money and self-sacrifice that is required to fight in Ukraine into the struggle here at home instead – the struggle that can really make a difference in the long run – then we would take enormous, indispensable steps forward.

Therefore, I thought I would address some of the motives that may currently be going through your minds.

“I want to defend the sovereign nation of Ukraine against the anti-Nazi superpower”

Although this may sound good, it is unfortunately not possible to make such a choice in this conflict. Even before the war, Ukraine was in the hands of anti-Nazi superpowers in the form of the United States and the EU, and it will hardly become more independent as a result of this war, whichever side wins. If White nationalist forces really had any decisive influence in Ukraine, NATO would have already bombed the country to pieces long before Russia ever would have. This is not a war between good and evil where you can pick sides – it’s one of evil versus evil, where you will fight and bleed for different immense globalist power-spheres, no matter which side you take.

“I want to defend the Ukrainians from Chechen racial aliens/Muslims”

A very noble motive, but the problem still remains that this conflict is not so black and white. If you fight on Ukraine’s side, you will fight side by side with racial aliens and Muslims. You will fire at White ethnic Russians. You might even be forced to witness your Jewish “brethren” in the Ukrainian units fire at Russian National Socialists, and then do the same yourself.

I would also like to share another thought that adds to the complexity of this whole matter. If Ukraine were to win this war, it would most likely result in the country becoming more and more Western, with all that entails in regard to mass immigration and homo lobbyism. Sadly and ironically enough, your efforts may help bring this about, and thus result in the rape of Ukrainian women by Somali immigrants in the future.

“I believe I’m doing the right thing for the nationalist cause and that my participation will be appreciated by others in the movement”

Of course we all want to do the right thing, but a lot of big names in nationalism around the world have taken Russia’s side in this conflict, while many others – including us in the Nordic Resistance Movement – have stated that we will remain neutral as we feel that both sides are bad. As such, a lot of nationalists will actually think you’re a bit of an idiot for going there, to put in plainly.

However, there are plenty of others who will appreciate it if you do participate. People like Magdalena Andersson, Joe Biden and George Soros have all taken a clear pro-Ukrainian and anti-Russian stance. Expressen and all the other anti-White media outlets have done so. Antifa and other left-wing extremist groups have done so. The state of Israel and other countries firmly under Zionist control have done so.

“I don’t really care much about the conflict itself. I just want to gain some military experience.”

Knowledge and experience in various matters are rarely bad things in themselves, but in this case we should really ask the question, “At what cost?” Is it worth risking one’s life for the desires of George Soros just to gain this experience? Would it not be better to choose a conflict where there is actually a good side for you to support?

Furthermore, if you have no previous military experience, there are military training camps abroad you can pay for that are also open to nationalists. These will give you a lot more knowledge than you will ever get in Ukraine – plus, you won’t have to risk dying for it.

Volodymyr Zelensky
As a Nordic man, dying for Ukraine’s Jewish president is no better than dying for Vladimir Putin


If you are not yet a member, the Nordic Resistance Movement will not hold it against you at a future recruitment meeting if you have participated in this war as a volunteer; however, we encourage every nationalist to join us and help wage the struggle on the streets instead.

The Nordic Resistance Movement does not forbid any of our members from going to Ukraine, but we would strongly advise everyone with these feelings to stay at home and take part in the important struggle for our own people and for National Socialism.

In conclusion, I would like to make it clear that the Nordic Resistance Movement is not taking a pro-Russian position with this article. We could just as easily pen a similar piece directed at the other side, but for now this particular perspective is the relevant one, since Ukraine – and not Russia – wants civilians from the Nordic countries to join the war.

A white pill in the Ukraine conflict


Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #222: You Crane or smth idk

Action against refugee centre and corrupt politicians in Sandvad

ACTIVISM. Resistance Movement members conducted activism in support of local people in their fight against an asylum centre for criminal racial aliens in Sandvad, Denmark.

Tensions have been high in the village of Sandvad in Southern Denmark, after it emerged that racial foreigners convicted of murder and sexual offences will be housed at the local Red Cross asylum centre, Specialcenter Sandvad. The local population felt particularly deceived by the Red Cross’s secrecy, as its regional leader, Tina Lundgaard, had previously assured the public that the centre would be populated by refugees with “special needs”, not criminal racial aliens.

Since then, a citizens’ meeting was held in the town, which was attended by the Danish Immigration Service, the Red Cross, Vejle Municipality and liberal Marxist politicians. At the meeting, the Vice Director of the Immigration Service, Grith Poulsen, was asked if he could guarantee that no criminals or sex offenders would come to Sandvad, but he replied that he could give no such guarantee.

A law firm conducted a legal assessment of the agreement, which concluded that the composition of the residents at Specialcenter Sandvad does not correspond with the rental agreement between the Immigration Service and Vejle Municipality, confirming that the entire local community has been betrayed.

Frustrated local residents have protested about the settlement of racially foreign murderers and sex offenders in the village, but the Integration Minister, Mathias Tesfaye, has refused to meet with them.

Below are some of the signs put up by locals in opposition to the non-White murderers and sex offenders at Specialcenter Sandvad:

Anti-refugee centre sign in Sandvad, Denmark
“We’re not giving up. We’ll keep going”
Anti-refugee centre sign in Sandvad, Denmark
“Refugees on unsupervised leave – The Red Cross’s responsibility”
Anti-refugee centre sign in Sandvad, Denmark
“Sandvad under lock and key”

The White residents in the area now feel unsafe and have been forced to cancel events, including their children’s New Year celebration, while some have had to install surveillance equipment at their houses.

When the residents demonstrated against the placement of the racial aliens at Specialcenter Sandvad, the police responded by issuing a demonstration ban, on the grounds that “the new residents and their mental state must be taken into account”.

Guards were eventually deployed to the area by the Immigration Service, but unfortunately for local residents, they were not sent to protect the citizens of Sandvad, but instead to protect the employees at Specialcenter Sandvad against the protesting citizens.

The Nordic Resistance Movement regards this whole affair as shameful from top to bottom. White Danes should NOT feel unsafe in their OWN country because of racial aliens. White citizens should not be deceived, White communities should not be taken hostage, and the corrupt liberal-Marxist political system should NOT be allowed to continue!

In response, a group of activists from the Nordic Resistance Movement visited five villages near Specialcenter Sandvad to distribute propaganda, cordon off the asylum centre and speak with local people about the future National Socialist Nordic nation.

Photos from the action:

Nordic Resistance Movement poster, Red Cross refugee centre, Sandvad, DenmarkNordic Resistance Movement activism, Sandvad, DenmarkNordic Resistance Movement activism, Sandvad, Denmark

Nordic Resistance Movement poster, Red Cross refugee centre, Sandvad, Denmark
“How many racial aliens are we willing to accept?”
Warning: Multiculturalism Ahead sign in Sandvad, Denmark
“Attention! Multiculturalism Ahead”

Red Cross refugee centre cordoned off in Sandvad, Denmark
Nordic Resistance Movement poster, Red Cross refugee centre, Sandvad, Denmark

NORDIC FRONTIER #222: You Crane or smth idk

NORDIC FRONTIER. The shilling continues in the latest installment of the War on Whites. We’ll dig into the headlines and try to make sense of Your Cranes.




“No More Brother Wars” protest for peace in Stockholm

Which side are we on in the Ukraine war?



You Crane

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The liberating feeling of being doxxed


Fredrik Vejdeland talks about the liberating feeling of being doxxed.

Excerpt from Leadership Perspective #19: The Great Replacement, mass shootings and doxxing



ARISTOGENESIS. This is the thirteenth episode of Aristogenesis.

Join us for a journey into the magical realm of Indo-European epic poetry. In this episode, we delve into the world of the Iliad and attempt to explore and understand Homer’s immortal masterpiece. We look more closely at some of the poem’s most famous and powerful scenes and follow its legendary protagonists and their exploits on the battlefields of Troy, with a focus on Homer’s unsurpassable poetical skills and his capacity to capture and convey the spirit and vitality of our archaic ancestors in verse. We examine the complicated and often misunderstood relationship between gods and heroes, the dominant principles and the ethos of the Homeric world, and we attempt to identify the timeless messages contained within our ancestors’ poetic traditions.

Instead of a reading list, we offer you some golden nuggets of poetry inspired by Homer, both ancient and contemporary.

In this episode: Nestor, Taerus and Julius

Here are the timestamps for this arrangement of parts:
Part 1 Introduction – 00h 00m 00s
Part 2 The Rage of Achilles – 00h 15m 45s
Part 3 Great scenes of the Iliad – 00h 39m 44s
Part 4 Morals of the Iliad – 01h 23m 13s
Part 5 Epilogue – 01h 36m 48s

MP3 download

Golden nuggets

Homeric Hymn* To Ares

Gold-helmeted, strong Ares, chariot-mounted,
Hard in your will, hand, shield, and spear; bronze-armoured,
Staunch city saver, bulwark of Olympus,
Father of Victory, helper of Themis,
Tyrant to enemies, leader of good men,
King over manliness! Your fiery globe whirls
Among the seven planets’ tracks, your horses
Blazing forever over the third orbit.
Hear me, ally of mortals, maker of fine youth;
Rain gently from on high into my being
Brightness and martial strength. Let me have power
To shake out of my head the bitter panic,
Defeating with my mind my soul’s false impulse,
And yet keep down the temper that provokes me
Toward icy strife. But, blessed god, give courage –
The kind that lives in peace among the mild laws,
Away from combat and death’s savage demons.

* The Homeric Hymns are a collection of thirty-three ancient Greek hymns attributed to Homer or to Homer’s school and poetic tradition.

The following three poems are composed by our very talented friend and co-host Taerus. You can find more on his Telegram channel: https://t.me/poeticaatelli

The Helm of Hector

Do I frighten thee my child?
To cause thee fear I had not meant,
But only to hold thee a while.
I had come to kiss thee goodbye,
For fear I’ve brought I doth lament,
And wipe tears from thy mother’s eyes.
Thou must not recognise me,
Beneath the plumes of horse’s hair,
I must look so strange to thee.
When thou art grown, I would have wished,
To raise thee manly and with care,
But instead I am bid down to Dis.

The brazen bronze of helm doth shine,
Apollo’s rays bounce from mine brow,
But the light that I behold is thine.
I shalt set mine shining helmet down,
Spend what little time the Gods allow,
With thee before I go to ground.
I cannot stand to see thee cry,
So I remove this dreaded helm,
And thou can see it’s only I.
I am a soldier, bound by duty,
A Prince of Troy, of all the realm!
An honour that shall pass to thee.

Oath of Aryas

By Roaring Rudra did we come,
As crimson hands beat bloody drums,
With howls we bade,
The widows made,
To mourn their fathers, husbands, sons.

As Maruts we descend the Storm,
In Indra’s Warband, bound, oathsworn,
Our tempest looms,
Foreboding doom,
For we are by Thunderbolt born.

The works of Wrathful Ares waged,
The price of glory duly paid,
On Trojan shores,
In bloody wars,
That bid our memory never fade.

To drums of Sparta did we dance,
Ashen spears in our hands,
By rhythm stepped,
Embracing death,
Under Auspices’ command.

As Wolves of Murderous Mars,
Fighting beneath His crimson Star,
The Godborn Twins,
Did glory win,
When we conquered lands afar.

By Odin’s Ravens did we fly,
On blackened wings in angry sky,
The Wild Hunt,
Bore battle’s brunt,
The Einharjar went forth to die.

By hands of Harii horror held,
By sword and spear men were felled,
With skin dyed black,
In our attack,
By no foe were we repelled.

With Harald Fairhair proved our worth,
Under our banner; Norway’s birth,
Along in war,
With Bear and Boar,
And thus Three Swords adorn the Earth.

By spear and sword we spread our flame,
In Ares, Rudra, Mars’ name,
Odin’s sons,
By battles won,
So too shall we be again.

The Pain of Priam

What wretched fate has fell to me,
That I should beg on bended knee,
In grief and agony I come,
To the man who slew my son.
Against overwhelming odds,
He fought as if born of the Gods,
But he was just a mortal man;
One who lays dead at thy hand.

By the hands that I now grip,
Was Troy of our defender stripped,
Now that body and this pain,
Is all that of Hector remains.
With courage he had filled our hearts,
Brought to us great hope and joy;
He was our greatest Warrior,
But more than that, he was my boy.

Think of thy father, still at home,
Who worried, sits and grieves alone,
Knowing not if thou still lives,
Yet prayers to the Gods he gives,
That thou should return alive,
Amongst the host of the Argives,
In great fame covered, glorious,
Not left slumped and soaked in dust.
Could he bear to see thy death?
To watch his son take final breath?
Could he take the pain at all,
If it were thee dragged round my walls?

All that I have fought for; gone,
To thee o’ black-clad Myrmidon,
So cast away thy crimson mist,
Son of Thetis, grant me this.
O’ Achilles hear my plea;
Give his body back to me

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Would you like to be a guest on the show or contribute in some other way? Please do not hesitate to contact us at the email address below.

To contact us at Aristogenesis, send an email to: [email protected]

Cash donations:

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Box 52
77222 Grängesberg

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Which side are we on in the Ukraine war?

RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. The leader of the Nordic Resistance Movement explains where the organisation stands on this important issue.

Shadows of Ukrainian soldiers

There may be some who think this article is almost a week late and should have been published last week. During the early stages of the Ukraine war, I initially believed it was not that important for the Nordic Resistance Movement to have an official opinion on the matter, and that the conflict was not affecting us and our struggle on the streets of the Nordic countries to a great extent at the time. Furthermore, others had already written and spoken about the war from various perspectives, both on nordicresistancemovement.org and the independent National Socialist news site Nordfront. As such, I simply did not view it as a priority to write the article you are now reading.

But naturally I understand there are other reasons that make the conflict of interest to us here and now, and that it could lead to consequences that may be decisive for us in the long term.

A lot of people have discussed our position on this issue and wondered where we stand. Strangely, some seem to have interpreted Robert Eklund’s excellent article or Nest 1’s action last weekend as proof that we are loyal to the globalists in the West and are therefore officially against Putin and Russia. Meanwhile, a number of our representatives have made comments that could be interpreted as having the inverse meaning, and some of our members have shared images of Russian flags on social media.

Nordic Resistance Movement "No More Brother Wars" banner action, Stockholm, Sweden
“White Unity – No More Brother Wars”

So where does the truth lie? Does the Nordic Resistance Movement side with Russia or Ukraine in the war?

In order to be able to answer this question in any way, it must initially be stated that it is extremely important to understand that the question is far from black and white or totally self-evident, and that it can be seen from many different perspectives.

On a purely emotional level, it is clearly not strange at all to feel sympathy for Ukraine and the Ukrainian population – on the contrary. Regardless of how decisive NATO’s provocations were in prompting Russia to initiate the war – which makes the question of guilt debatable, to say the least – it is clear that the Ukrainian people do not deserve to have their nation bombed into the ground. Ukraine is caught in a power struggle between empires, and however guilty Ukraine’s Jewish leader may be, no blame can be attributed to the working White Ukrainian people – those who now bleed and die on Ukrainian soil together with Russian enemy soldiers.

If you overlook the sphere of influence lurking behind Ukraine in the form of NATO, Israel and the Western world, it is obvious that Ukraine is a very small player in comparison to the gigantic superpower of Russia, and here, too, it is logical to sympathise with Ukraine. The Nordic Resistance Movement always directs its blows upwards; and considering the way the world looks today, it is incredibly unusual for us not to take the underdog’s side in any kind of power struggle.

Furthermore, it is not strange for a National Socialist to feel concerned when Putin states that one of the official reasons for Russia going to war is to “de-Nazify” Ukraine. Although this does not have exactly the same meaning as it would if Benjamin Netanyahu, Joe Biden or Magdalena Andersson were talking about smashing Nazism, it is still a statement that leaves a bitter taste in the mouth of nationalists, and instinctively leads to reduced faith in Putin and increased sympathy for Ukraine.

Vladimir Putin - No Nazis on our streets sign
“No Nazis on our streets”

Meanwhile, the entire establishment in the Western world is attacking Russia in unison. The propaganda machine is in full swing in an effort to make the whole world hate Putin and take Ukraine’s side in the war. The same propaganda machine that wants nothing more than you as a White person to stop having children and instead focus on your career, race-mix or become homosexual. What this establishment wants you to think is often a very good indicator of what you should absolutely not think, and by this measure, Russia appears to be the side to support 100%.

From a global geopolitical perspective, if we theorise from the unlikely idea that this conflict will lead to a third world war, then all pro-Zionist liberal monster-nations like Great Britain, France, Germany, the United States and, of course, Israel itself would side with Ukraine, while more traditional and sovereign anti-Zionist forces would likely stand behind Russia. Mark my words when I say that the Nordic Resistance Movement will NEVER stand on the same side as Israel or the Zionist entity that the USA represents today – whatever the issue or conflict may be!

If we look at the situation from a revolutionary point of view, it is also natural to support Russia. By challenging the USA and the Western world, one acts against the status quo – the present situation that must be destroyed in order for any true changes to take place, and for us National Socialists to be able to make real progress. The more the current ruling powers are challenged, and the harder the world economy is combated, the greater the chance for widespread disruption, which is a necessity for the Nordic revolution to become fact. Please note that I do not mean the coming changes will necessarily be better for us; however, in the dramatic situation in which we find ourselves, we must see hope in every potential radical change that arises within the global environment.

Having presented these arguments, the reader probably believes that our sympathies lie mostly with Russia. As a counterpoint to this, I want to make it very clear that we do not see Putin as a good or decent person. The Russia of 2022 is by no means a nationalist-minded country. Putin is pro-Jewish, and Russia is a multiethnic and culturally mixed land. The National Socialists who operate within Russian borders are forced to endure severe repression from the state – much worse than we are faced with in Sweden and the Nordic countries. As such, the Nordic Resistance Movement would be far from satisfied if Sweden resembled Russia (even if that would make it better in some aspects).

Rather, the conclusion is that none of the conflicting sides are worth our official support. As a Nordic National Socialist, neither side is worth fighting and dying for. We will never stand behind Putin or Biden, or any of the puppets of big finance. This is also the conclusion Marcus Hansson drew in his fantastic article on Nordfront recently. Instead, we always stand on the side of the people – primarily our own Nordic people, but, by extension, all White people on the planet.

Statue grieving in the wasteland

It is not Russians, Ukrainians or the Nordic people who benefit from bombs falling over Europe and from White people dying from one another’s bullets. No, those who desire conflict and directly benefit from war are instead, as always, the cosmopolitans who sell weapons to both sides and have enough influence and capital to become even richer and more powerful, regardless of which side stands victorious when peace returns. It is on the opposite side of these globalist and/or Zionist supervillains that we position ourselves. It is there that we have our eternal front!

But, if we had already been in a position of power in the Nordic lands, would we not have been forced to take a more pronounced stance than I have done (or have not done) in this article? No, not in the current situation, anyway. If the Nordic Resistance Movement had been in power, our Armed Forces would never have been dismantled – instead, we would have had a strong military force ready to defend the Nordic people and the Nordic territory to their last drop of blood. Thus we would not have needed to sign any agreement with NATO. We would not have had to fear any Russian expansion. And we could have manned our own cannons instead of relinquishing them to foreign powers.


Do police students really need to go to Auschwitz to study?

OPINION. Arnar Styr Björnsson writes about how the University of Akureyri in Iceland planned to send police officers to Auschwitz to teach them about...

A United North