A meeting with Ursula Haverbeck

A review of unforgettable encounters in Germany. The personal example demonstrates the admirable qualities of someone’s character, in contrast to the fleeting opinions of others,...

Fundraiser for professional documentary series about legends of the struggle

RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. The Resistance Movement needs your help to raise 30,000 SEK (approx. $2,700) for a film series featuring Ursula Haverbeck and Vera Oredsson. A...

Transsexual story time for children cordoned off in Vetlanda

ACTIVISM. Activist Group 701 made a stand against the Cultural Marxist phenomenon of transsexual story time in Vetlanda. On Sunday 10 September, a transsexual story...

No Nordic Frontier this week

NORDIC FRONTIER. It's a damn shame, but Nordic Frontier takes the week off! We will be back with moderate amounts of antisemitism next week. Until...

A full day of struggle in Västerås

RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. A monthly meeting was held in Västerås on 10 September, followed by a presentation, physical training and a bridge action. The day began...

Photo report from Nordic Days 2023

NORDIC DAYS. A photo report featuring some of the best images from this year's Nordic Days event. A written report of Nordic Days 2023 can...

NORDIC FRONTIER #269: Joel Davis and the #BanTheADL

NORDIC FRONTIER. We'll talk to Joel Davis from down under about his political journey and the recent shenanigans going on on Twitter formerly known...

Report from Nordic Days 2023

NORDIC DAYS. The Nordic Resistance Movement held the 2023 edition of the annual Nordic Days family event on the last weekend of August. This year...

Bridge action and visit to public meeting in Jönköping

ACTIVISM. Sweden’s Nest 7 conducted a banner action before visiting another organisation’s activity, on Saturday 19 August. The Resistance Movement took up positions on a...

Activism against the population replacement in Stockholm

ACTIVISM. Sweden’s Nest 1 were in the capital on 13 August to inform the people about the demographic situation in Sweden. The day began on...


What is fascism?

IDEOLOGY. “Fascism” and “fascist” are two terms which are thrown around a lot in political debate. Here Jimmy Thunlind discusses what fascism actually is...