A Left Party member photographs Nordic Resistance Movement activists with a drone

Leftist tried to secretly take pictures of Resistance men with drone

LEFT-WING EXTREMISM. A red tried to secretly take pictures of Resistance men with a drone, but the whole episode ended with him being photographed...
Danish homo lobby bench in Aarhus is repainted by Nordic Resistance Movement members

Activism against the homo lobby in Aarhus

ACTIVISM. Danish activists recently took corrective action against a homo lobby bench in Ceres Park, Aarhus. The homo lobby’s pressure to spread all that is...

The Resistance Movement visits Swedish Game Fair

ACTIVISM. Resistance men from Nest 1 and Nest 8 recently conducted a public flyer distribution at the Swedish Game Fair, a large hunting event...
Danish Nest 2 Nordic Resistance Movement activist test training

Danish Nest 2 hold physical test for activists

TRAINING. At the end of May, Denmark’s Nest 2 held the Resistance Movement’s obligatory physical test for activists. As a part of our worldview, we...
Nordic Resistance Movement activism in Eslöv

Public leafleting in Eslöv

ACTIVISM. On Thursday the 30th of May, members and activists from Nest 3 went to the Stora Coop supermarket at Eslöv for a public...
Activist Days in Norway and Denmark

Activist Days in Norway and Denmark

RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. During the first weekend of June, both the Norwegian and Danish branches of the Nordic Resistance Movement held their Activist Days events...

Jews plan to make Poland a Zionist homeland

RESISTANCE NEWS. Erik Forsell writes about the 2012 conference held by the Jewish Renaissance Movement in Poland and their plot to turn the country...

UPDATED WITH VIDEO: Tumultuous action in Lund

ACTIVISM. Here is a report of the tumultuous activity that went down on the streets of Lund and a summary of the propaganda put...
Fredrik Vejdeland

National Socialism – “The optimal defiance”

INTERVIEW. “For as long as we can, we should call ourselves National Socialists,” explains Fredrik Vejdeland. Around the country, members of the Nordic Resistance Movement...

Monthly meeting for Nest 8

SOCIAL ACTIVITY. Nest 8 in Sweden holds monthly meeting with food, socializing and martial arts training. On the 5th of May, Nest 8 gathered for...


National Socialism in Practice

IDEOLOGY. Are our detractors right when they claim our soup kitchens for disadvantaged Swedes are a “PR trick”? Are such tactics populism? Fredrik Vejdeland...
Drawing of the Nordic Resistance Movement flags with the Tyr rune symbol

Our symbols

What is National Socialism?