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No Nordic Frontier this week


    NORDIC FRONTIER. Sadly Nordic Frontier is cancelled this evening due to technical difficulties, but we will return next Nordic Tyrsday!

    Flash demonstration honouring National Socialism in Oslo

    ACTIVISM. Nordic Resistance Movement activists held a flash demonstration in the Norwegian capital on Saturday 29 October.

    Nordic Resistance Movement Oslo demonstration march

    The demonstration began with the participants marching towards the Norwegian parliament building, the Storting, in central Oslo.

    Nordic Resistance Movement Oslo demonstrationNordic Resistance Movement Oslo demonstrationNordic Resistance Movement Oslo demonstrationThe activists then took up positions with a banner and flags on the terrace in front of the Storting and held a speech honouring National Socialism. The speech focused on the German invasion of Norway during World War II.

    Nordic Resistance Movement Oslo demonstration

    Excerpts from the speech:

    As we all know, it was the Allies who ultimately won the war. In so doing, it was also the Allies who wrote the history books, in which they pushed a bizarre and mendacious narrative – to say the least – about National Socialism.

    Behind me, in the Storting, sit the true traitors to our country and people! It is these forces who – behind the backs of the Norwegian people – have abolished Norway’s sovereignty and made Norway into a vassal state of the international elite, in complete contradiction to our constitution. Via their policies, the orchestrated mass immigration of racial aliens and the population replacement agenda have also become realities here in Norway.

    Nordic Resistance Movement Oslo demonstrationNordic Resistance Movement Oslo demonstration speechNordic Resistance Movement Oslo demonstration

    After holding the speech, the activists left the Storting and marched through the city centre. The Norwegian police then attempted to stop the demonstration, encircling and harassing the participants.

    Nordic Resistance Movement Oslo demonstrationNordic Resistance Movement Oslo demonstration policeNordic Resistance Movement Oslo demonstration policeA helicopter and military police subsequently arrived on the scene in order to put a stop to the political manifestation.

    Nordic Resistance Movement Oslo demonstration policeNordic Resistance Movement Oslo demonstration police helicopter

    In total, 35 participants from the demonstration were arrested, all of whom have now been released.

    Nordic Resistance Movement Oslo demonstration detained activists
    Activists in handcuffs. “It’s just another day at the office,” said activist Marcus Hansson.

    There was also a large media presence at the demonstration, with reports of the event dominating the headlines of major Norwegian publications, such as VG and Dagbladet.

    Nordic Resistance Movement Oslo demonstration media reporters

    The media initially labelled the demonstration everything from “illegal” to “neo-Nazi riots”, before finally settling on the term “unannounced demonstration”. Even the prime minister Jonas Gahr Støre and city council leader Raymond Johansen felt compelled to comment on the demonstration.

    Nordic Resistance Movement Oslo demonstration VG report
    “Clashes at neo-Nazi demonstration / 35 people arrested” – screenshot from VG.no

    The Resistance Movement’s Norwegian Chief Tommy Olsen gave the following first-hand account of events:

    “The police tried to prevent our legal demonstration before we got to the Storting. We walked past them and conducted the event at Eidsvoll Square in front of the Storting. We also held our planned speech and banner drop. Later, the police again tried to prevent the demonstration on Universitetsgaten by stopping the march and claiming we were not allowed to go any further. We turned around and they tried to prevent us again. We pressed on and a policeman shouted, ‘Let them pass’. We subsequently walked on, but were stormed by the police from behind.”

    Further coverage of the demonstration will follow.

    “We are no damn politicians!”

    RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. The election is long over, but the struggle goes on. Here follows an accompanying message from the Nordic Resistance Movement’s media group.

    Following the election, the organisation’s leader Simon Lindberg wrote an article in which he analysed the results, concluding it with the following words:

    The Nordic Resistance Movement went to the polls under the slogan “A Revolutionary Choice”. The Nordic Resistance Movement will now also continue after the election to fight under the same slogan. Even though the political election charade is over for now, we remain on the streets and squares in a city near you and continue to call on you to make the revolutionary choice you will never truly be able to make with a ballot paper.

    Even though the Nordic Resistance Movement is a registered political party that stands for election, we make it very clear that our parliamentary work is only one of many tools to help us achieve success in other ways. The party is just a parliamentary branch of a much larger organisation.

    We are living in exciting times, and there are many signs that we are heading towards much tougher circumstances and perhaps even true revolutionary conditions. We do not need you in our ranks when all breaks loose, but now, beforehand, as we prepare ourselves and build the organisation that is required to be able to conquer tomorrow.

    Day of struggle in Sweden’s Nest 5


    ACTIVISM. Nest 5 activists held a “Stop the Population Replacement” banner action in an autumnal Dalarna, followed by activist tests.

    Nordic Resistance Movement banner action, Nest 5, Sweden

    On 15 October, the Nest’s activists went to a bridge just outside Borlänge to conduct a banner action. The first part of the day brought a slight chill and drizzle. There were quite a few cars out on the road, which ensured the Resistance men experienced some shows of positivity from passing motorists. The participants on the bridge were also visited by a sympathiser from the area, who took part in the second part of the day.

    Nordic Resistance Movement banner action, Nest 5, Sweden

    The slogan for the day was quite simple. A banner with two national runes bordering the words “Stop the Population Replacement” was held up by the participants. Despite the banner’s simplicity, the words have great significance. In an extract from the Nordic Resistance Movement’s political programme Our Path, the population replacement is described in the following way:

    Our racial survival and freedom is the most important goal of the political efforts of the Nordic Resistance Movement. Against this goal there are many threats, including the most alarming and urgent today which is the mass immigration of foreign races to the Nordic countries. This, in combination with the current lower birth rate of Nordic women in comparison to immigrants, and the fact that the immigrated foreigners some­times conceive with Nordic women and men, result in the diminishing of the ethnically Nordic population in relation to the non-Nordic population. The so-called multicultu­ralism and mass immigration is in actuality a physical displacement and genocide of the Nordic people.

    – Our Path, ch.1, p. 12

    Nordic Resistance Movement banner action, Nest 5, Sweden

    After the banner action ended, the activists gathered at a nearby jogging track. The second part of the day consisted of activist tests, beginning with running and concluding with various strength exercises. When all the activities were over, everyone said their thank yous and bid one another farewell until next time.

    NORDIC FRONTIER #244: The ChiComs


    NORDIC FRONTIER. The ChiComs go bye-bye.




    Return visit to Strängnäs Market

    Massive propaganda campaign in Danish town of Hørning generates welcome media attention


    Interesting thread about a Chinese lady being bullied by racist swedes

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    Live at:

    7.00 PM in Iceland
    8.00 PM in Denmark, Norway and Sweden
    9.00 PM in Finland
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    Massive propaganda campaign in Danish town of Hørning generates welcome media attention


    ACTIVISM. Danish Nordic Resistance Movement activists show that good results can be achieved with stickers, leaflets and anonymous contact with the media.

    NRM posters in Hørning, Denmark

    Over the last month, thousands of stickers have been put up and many leaflets have been distributed in the small town of Hørning, central Denmark. Multiple reports of activism have been published on the Nordic Resistance Movement’s Danish website, Nordfront.dk, after central parts of the town were covered with stickers and posters several times in recent weeks. Specially targeted propaganda has also been placed at the municipality’s schools.

    NRM posters in Hørning, Denmark

    Earlier this month, an activist from the Nest covering Hørning contacted Denmark’s biggest online newspaper, BT.dk, and pretended to be a concerned resident, in an attempt to get the paper to write about the activism. The trick worked. The newspaper published an article about a “neo-Nazi propaganda storm”, in which they quoted the distributed leaflets and displayed photos of several stickers in their entirety, including the Nordfront.dk web address.

    BT.dk Nordic Resistance Movement screenshot about activism in Hørning
    “Provincial town subjected to neo-Nazi propaganda storm: ‘I’m scared of what they might do’” – Screenshot from BT.dk.

    The Jyllandsposten newspaper also contacted Jacob Vullum, the Chief of the Danish branch of the Resistance Movement, to conduct a written interview with him. However, they only used a single sentence of the interview in their published story.

    Nordfront.dk have therefore published the entire interview themselves:

    Why is the Nordic Resistance Movement carrying out activism in Hørning and why are you targeting schools?

    The Resistance Movement does not want to comment on the organisation’s strategies in detail, or specifically on why certain areas are prioritised. But naturally towns like Hørning and similar places – which are located close to big cities with a large number of racial foreigners and their parallel societies – are interesting in terms of recruitment, as the Whites who live there have experienced the consequences of the foreign invasion in one way or another. At the same time, the instinctive mentality in smaller towns like Hørning is more intact because the reigning Cultural Marxist doctrine is not as widespread there as it is in the big cities. These may be reasons why Hørning was chosen as a point of focus, but it is up to each Nest Chief and Group Chief to decide where they want to prioritise their regional and local resources.

    Regarding schools, I can say in general that if you want to win the future, you must win the young. We know that the anti-White political establishment and its school system target the young in a similar fashion by indoctrinating children and young people with one-sided historical education, unimportant subjects and an unnatural orientation in understanding gender. These young people will grow up in hell in Denmark as second-class citizens in comparison to the racially alien population and will have insane ideas about sex, biology and gender roles. We cannot allow that to go unchallenged. As such, it is important to offer Denmark’s young people a natural worldview.

    NRM posters, leaflets in Hørning, Denmark
    One of the activities conducted at a school in Hørning

    Why are the actions carried out at night, anonymously and under the cover of darkness?

    The Resistance Movement operates in the evening, at night and during the day. We conduct many public actions during the day, which you can read about on our website. You are also welcome to debate us when we hold public leaflet distributions on the streets and squares around Denmark, usually on weekends. However, the Resistance Movement is a street activist movement and our activism cannot just be limited to weekends, and since our members are workers and students, they often have to conduct activism when they have free time – i.e., in the evening and at night.

    What do you expect to get from the actions in Hørning?

    The Nordic Resistance Movement’s ultimate goal is to take power across the entire Nordic region and secure the survival of the White race via a National Socialist government. The Hørning actions comprise one of many steps on that road via the influx of members that such actions create.

    What do you think about the fact that the police and SSP [a crime prevention agency with a focus on young people – Editor’s note] are interested in your school actions?

    We are well aware that the establishment is very interested in our activism and the Resistance Movement in general. The system seems to be willing to invest a lot of resources into keeping the people down on their knees and destroying White Danes and their future.

    NRM posters in Hørning, Denmark

    Nordfront.dk has also reported that the propaganda campaign and combined media attention have seen a rise in the number of visitors to the website and several new membership applications to the Nordic Resistance Movement.

    Return visit to Strängnäs Market


    ACTIVISM. Members of Sweden’s Nest 1 and Nest 8 conducted a public leaflet distribution on Saturday 8 October.

    Strängnäs Market NRM activism

    It was a beautiful autumn day when the Resistance Movement once again visited Strängnäs during its annual market. The market in Strängnäs has a long history, with the town having been granted a royal charter to hold a market since 1756. It now draws an estimated 30,000–35,000 visitors a year.

    As soon as the comrades entered the town and began approaching the market, they noticed that a lot of police officers were present, most of them probably from out of town. Two police vans also drove slowly behind the Resistance men in the direction they were heading. However, they had to halt their pursuit when the comrades took a diversion down a pedestrian street full of various market stalls to get to their intended destination. The resulting radio contact with other police officers must have been very fast in response to this great threat to the market visitors, because only a few minutes after the activists unfurled their banner, an old policewoman and five even older police volunteers lined up conspicuously a short distance away.

    The police did not attempt to make contact with the Resistance men. Instead they stood by, watching and photographing what was perhaps for them the biggest event of the year: a visit from the “violence-prone” National Socialists.

    Strängnäs Market NRM activism

    However, the Resistance men were not concerned about what these people were up to and immediately began handing out leaflets to passers-by. The response was very positive, with several interested people approaching straight away and wanting to talk and find out more about the Resistance Movement’s ideological positions.

    The activity passed very peacefully, with many leaflets being handed out and positive discussions taking place. There was also an absence of rabid people who hate different opinions – whom the activists otherwise have the misfortune of meeting.

    In addition, the group met several old nationalists who live in the town, all of whom were very happy about the Resistance Movement’s presence. They spoke about how the town has gone downhill in the last five years. They said “gangs of youths” sell drugs everywhere, even inside restaurants, while the police stand idly by and watch.

    Strängnäs Market NRM activism

    Those who read about last year’s activity at Strängnäs Market may remember the large group of young people who gathered around the Resistance Movement. The same thing happened this year, albeit on a slightly smaller scale. Teenagers of every conceivable race assembled in groups and were very interested in what the “dangerous Nazis” were doing in town. However, none of them made a serious attempt at contact, with most of them standing nearby and talking among themselves, observing that “these people are definitely racists”.

    After the police had watched from a distance for at least half an hour, someone who was probably an officer in command came over to talk. The officer claimed that the Resistance Movement’s activism was an expression of opinion, and because they had not applied for a permit, they were conducting an illegal public gathering. This was apparently very important to tell the activists, even though the officer added that no one would be arrested and that the activity would not be interrupted.

    Strängnäs Market NRM activism

    The activity continued for a while longer, until the activists felt they had been present long enough to get their message out. The banner was then rolled up, and the police made contact again. The officer reluctantly asked if the activists wanted a police escort, as a lot of small gangs of youths had gathered; the implication being that these gangs can’t behave themselves and can become violent if they think they can get away with it. The Resistance men declined, explaining that such things usually resolve themselves, especially if the police are not around to make these individuals feel braver. As such, none of the youths dared to follow the Resistance men as they headed back to their cars this year, despite their vast numerical advantage.

    The participants convened after the activity to thank one another, observing that the day had been very successful and that they will definitely come back to the town in the future.

    Resistance Movement activists released ahead of court judgement


    RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. On 11 October, the main proceedings against Nest 3 activists Marcus Hansson and Sebastian Elofsson were held in Helsingborg District Court. Both men have been in custody since 10 September, the night before the election, on suspicion of two cases of assault in Örkelljunga, southern Sweden.

    NRM activists at court

    Despite more than a month of imprisonment and isolation from the outside world, the two activists were in noticeably good spirits throughout the trial and made their cases in court without any issues.

    Several comrades were present during the trial to support the activists. Unfortunately, only two were allowed into the courtroom at a time, as the opposing side had brought along their whole families, who were given priority in the public seats.

    NRM activists at court
    Comrades on the way to Helsingborg District Court

    The trial began with the prosecutor reading aloud the application for summons. It was then the turn of the two plaintiffs to recount the course of events on the evening in question. They informed the court that they are a couple and claimed they were standing together innocently with 7-8 people next to a shopping trolley full of Nordic Resistance Movement election posters that had been removed from around town. They claim that the whole group then ran from the scene when one of the Resistance men caught them red-handed.

    The “man” then continued to flee, abandoning his girlfriend and running for his life, as he himself put it in the courtroom. This occurred when the alleged abuse of his girlfriend was supposedly taking place.

    He claims that he later returned to the scene with the girl’s father and was injured by a car, which no witness or doctor could corroborate or prove. Even so, he demanded 38,000 SEK [approx $3,360] in compensation, which was regarded as a very high sum by the court.

    Leftist alleged knee "injury"
    Photo from the police’s preliminary investigation report of the leg that was allegedly crushed between a car and a metal post. Besides a slight swelling, there are no other injuries to document.

    According to the girl’s statement, she was knocked to the ground, before being punched 3-4 times in the face with boxing gloves. However, no traces of her DNA were found on the boxing gloves upon analysis. Furthermore, it emerged during the trial that the girl had a difficult upbringing and has been in contact with child and youth psychiatry services since she was nine years old.

    After some witnesses expressed conflicting information and assumptions, it was time for the court to hear the defendants’ accounts of the events. We will return to these in a future article to ensure they are presented as accurately as possible.

    After eight long hours in the courtroom, the good news finally came that the activists would be released from custody pending judgement, despite the prosecutor’s request that they remain in custody. The two cheerful activists were then welcomed back to freedom by the comrades present at the trial.

    The activists would like to thank all their comrades and sympathisers for their support and reassure everyone that no matter what the district court decides, the fight will continue on all fronts!

    94-year-old Resistance member acquitted of hate speech charges – Interview with Vera Oredsson


    RESISTANCE MOVEMENT. Honorary Nordic Resistance Movement member Vera Oredsson has been acquitted on both counts of incitement to racial hatred for comments she wrote online in 2018.

    Vera Oredsson holding Nordic Resistance Movement flagAt the end of September, Vera Oredsson stood trial for two counts of the thought crime of inciting racial hatred. The verdict came on Monday 14 October. Vera was acquitted on both counts, with the Swedish state having to cover the legal costs.

    Vera was on trial for two comments she wrote on the Nordfront.se website in 2018, including a comment condemning parents who take their children to so-called “pride parades”.

    To celebrate the good news, we have conducted a short interview with Vera.

    Hi, Vera! Congratulations on your victory! What was your first thought when you were informed of your acquittal?

    Naturally I felt a great relief. I wanted to avoid possible fines, as I think the risk of financial insolvency is worse than prison. Moreover, the Resistance Movement’s fundraising needs to go to activities, not to the state.

    What did you think of everyone’s performance during the trial?

    The people supporting me did great. The members around me created a genuine community spirit, and my lawyer was very good. All this gave me peace of mind before and during the trial.

    After the trial, Vera was interviewed by a film crew for a pilot of a potential new Swedish TV series about law

    If I’m not mistaken, this is the second time you have been charged for incitement to racial hatred. Are you getting tired of this law and its usage?

    The incitement to racial hatred law is driven by Jewish influence, and I’m sick of it. Imagine not being allowed to wave your hand at a certain angle, spontaneously thank someone with an old Swedish phrase or express disgust at moral decay. People constantly criticise the Third Reich’s so-called dictatorship, but I believe democracy’s freedom of expression has greater restrictions than National Socialism ever did.

    Do you have any good advice for comrades who may stand trial for incitement to racial hatred in the future?

    If you go to trial, dressing appropriately in court is a plus. Be calm and composed, no swearing or uncouth behaviour. But you probably know this already, as we are not democrats or Marxists. The lawyer will advise you on what not to say, as they always want an acquittal, even though it can be difficult to comply.

    Never deny your innermost convictions, and always correct accusations that you are a “Nazi”! I did this myself when the prosecutor asked if I was a so-called “Nazi”. Of course, I replied I was a National Socialist!

    The leader of the Nordic Resistance Movement, Simon Lindberg, with Vera Oredsson

    Thank you for the interview, Vera! Do you have anything you want to say to the readers before we finish?

    I am concerned that our freedom of expression will become increasingly limited and that the struggle will suffer. I already see how some of our members are warning against unnecessary lawsuits and encouraging caution.

    But should we really allow ourselves to be browbeaten in fear like this? If so, our opponents have already won. I understand the criticism, but even with the knowledge that you could be prosecuted, you simply must not allow your free speech to be obstructed. We are a fighting organisation that must take risks!


    Communist and Nordic Resistance Movement symbols

    My path from communist to National Socialist

    IDEOLOGY. It was only when I became a communist that my racial awakening began. It led me to National Socialism... For a long time I...

    For Our Race