Denmark Nest 3 Nordic Resistance Movement meeting

Recruitment and activism in Danish Nest 3

ACTIVISM. Nest 3 in Denmark recently held a successful recruitment meeting with speeches, followed by street activism. The Nordic Resistance Movement arranged a recruitment meeting...

National Socialist activism weekend in three Norwegian nests

ACTIVISM. In September the Nordic Resistance Movement held a weekend of activism in three Norwegian nests. In Nest 3, activists conducted a banner drop over...

Destruction of Freemason flag

ACTIVISM. Nordic Resistance Movement activists in Denmark recently burned a Freemason flag to signify that a purifying fire is coming to purge the land...

Double public rallies in Eskilstuna and Västerås

ACTIVISM. Nest 1 and Nest 8 held joint public rallies with speeches and leaflet distributions in Eskilstuna and Västerås on 14 September. The activities...
Nest 3 day of activism, Nordic Resistance Movement

Day of activism in Nest 3

ACTIVISM. On Saturday 14 September, Nest 3 held a full day of activism. The day began with a public leaflet distribution in Landskrona, Scania. The...
Action against Spartakus Book Café, Århus

Action against communist book café

ACTIVISM. An activist group in Aarhus, Denmark, gathered at a communist book café on Tuesday night to put up posters with the slogans ‘Traitors...

NORDIC FRONTIER #125: Der Dritte Weg Special

NORDIC FRONTIER. This week we re-invent Greta, ban male baby genital mutilation and invite Max to talk about Der Dritte Weg. iFrameResize({ log: false },...
Nest 2 public activism

Public activism in Nest 2

ACTIVISM. On 14 September, citizens in Mariestad and Skövde were made aware of the impending destruction being imposed on the Nordic people. The group chief...

Public activity in Åmål

ACTIVISM. On Saturday 7 September, comrades from activist group 203 and an activist from group 201 met in Åmål, western Sweden. The Resistance men headed...

For Our Race

IDEOLOGY. A fellow member from Greece writes about the Nordic Resistance Movement's historical mission and how the multiple aspects and influences of the system...


Man in front of burning house

“I will join when the collapse comes”

IDEOLOGY. Karl Folkesson comments on the phenomenon of supporters who are “waiting for the collapse”. When supporters are encouraged to organise and fight for a...
Soldier with gun

From weapons, freedom!